Paint Your Days With More Colours

Break free of your mind.

Dancing Elephants Press


A woman jumping off the ground looking up, hands to the side and knees bent.
Photo by Kevin Fitzgerald on Unsplash

This story was originally published in my substack newsletter: Magicbytes

Today, I woke up to witness the grand beauty!

It was neither the early morning sun rays protruding through the glass windows nor my favourite blue bird waiting to greet me at my kitchen outlet! It was a rare sight that has happened only a handful of times over the last six years.

It was an incredible, beautiful view of my kids lying sound asleep, with no intent to wake up in the next few hours.

I rushed to look at the time; it was only 5:09 am.

The deadly combination of me being awake after a good night’s sleep while the kids were still wandering in their dreamland was enough for me to celebrate the lovely Tuesday morning!

Before I could realize the lottery win on a weekday, my ingenious mind immediately made plans to push me out the door for a morning walk. A trillion ideas rushed through my brain cells to best use those two unclaimed hours.

My heart screamed out with joy: Screw waiting for the Friday night! Let’s have coffee watching a movie NOW.

I instantly grabbed the remote and clicked on Netflix. I picked the movie and pressed play. The film set in Los Angeles made…



Dancing Elephants Press

2X Top Writer in Ideas and Future; Living Life on my own terms; Runner Mom; Extreme Optimist; Software Engineering People Manager.