
Preventing Negative Emotions From Ambushing Your Relationship

Raise your emotional intelligence to enhance your relationship and improve your life.

Libby Shively McAvoy
Dancing Elephants Press
5 min readApr 26, 2024


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Raising Emotional Intelligence Will Improve Relationships

Emotions heavily affect our interactions with those around us, particularly our significant other. While positive emotions attract people toward us, negative emotions like anger, bitterness, and frustration turn people off. Yet, we all experience a full spectrum of emotions. It is essential to be aware of how our feelings affect those around us and how to return to a baseline of calm and contentment when we get triggered. If we are tired, have low blood sugar, or are upset by circumstances outside of the relationship, we have to try not to project those feelings onto our partner or stay in a bad mood for too long.

However, emotional vulnerability can also create closeness when done right. Sharing feelings and emotions with our significant other and leaning in can make our partner feel needed, valued, and loved. As long as this does not become a burden too heavy to carry it can be a nice intimate sharing.

Expressing emotions is very difficult for many people. Then, talking about and…



Libby Shively McAvoy
Dancing Elephants Press

"HI" Writer, Personal Development and Relationship Coach specializing in Emotional Intelligence, Yoga Instructor, Mom, Speaker, traveler, & seeker