Relationships During Recovery

Kerrie Gutierrez-Diaz
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJul 15, 2024


In response to Dancing Elephants Press July Relationship Prompt

Photo by Kalea Morgan on Unsplash

At the beginning of your recovery journey, they tell you not to date. I agree with this.

To truly embrace your recovery, you need to let go of almost every person in your life that won’t encourage your recovery. It can be lonely in the beginning.

Think about what kind of people you have in your life. Are any of them a real friend? Are they all addicts and people you partied with? If you want to be successful in your recovery, they all have to go.

HPhoto by Des Récits on Unsplash

If you have sober friends that is great. They are the ones who will be by your side every step of the way. If you try and keep all your friends that still use, that temptation will be too hard early in recovery, and it can hinder your recovery.

As addicts, we learned to use drugs to hide or forget the pain of a breakup, fight, loss, or basically anything we did not want to deal with emotionally.

Even without being in recovery, relationships are not easy. They require effort to maintain a strong and happy connection between both parties.



Kerrie Gutierrez-Diaz
Dancing Elephants Press

Mother, Wife, Grandmother, I am on this writing journey like many of us here on Medium. Working on an ebook about one of my many interests in 2023.