AI vs. HI Book Project Letter of Intent

Siding With The Humans

A letter to the publishers at Dancing Elephant Press

Gabriel Piemonte
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJan 16, 2024


“While there is still time …” Photo of person on hill in Iceland by Joshua Earle via Unsplash.

It is with great pleasure I submit to you this brief letter of intent regarding your book project, AI vs. HI. Writing for your publication, Dancing Elephants Press, has been a highlight of these first twinkling moments of the new year. I have been concerned about the presence of AI in the creative arts, but like so many other people, I have also felt unequal to the task of doing much more than scowling each time someone mentions it and trying to convince the creative people in my ambit that this is not just another harmless tech tool and that we could be on the verge of the total collapse of the rather slender economic safety net which allows those of us who can create to do so.

DEP’s campaign on Medium feels to me like the start of a much greater movement, one of (I hope) many seeds sprouting throughout the world in which artists stand up to the false equivalence of creation and mimesis. Wealthy and powerful interests will work to silence the voices that create without consideration of people like them, and many people will unthinkingly jump on the next tech bandwagon without giving it much thought. And just as people filed into Walmarts all over the country — and later funneled their money into…



Gabriel Piemonte
Dancing Elephants Press

HI. Journalist, writing coach, & communications strategist in Chicago. Civic advocate. Publisher, Pummarola Magazine. Racism top writer.