Smile | Dancing Elephant Press

Smile Makes Everything Better And Beautiful

Dancing Elephants prompt 2 of 52

Sahil Patel
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Petr Sevcovic on Unsplash

“If you’re not using your smile, you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook.” ​– Les Giblin

Simply stated, a smile is a happy or contented look on the face. We all have gorgeous looks that God has given us, so why not smile?

You can accomplish a lot by smiling, both for yourself and other people. You appear nicer and more gorgeous when you laugh. Furthermore, when you smile at someone, it encourages them to do the same. A smile is infectious; you can catch it like the flu.

One of the simplest and most affordable ways to improve your appearance is to smile. A smile is priceless because it brings you comfort and peace. The first thing people notice when they see you is your smile. As a result, smiling is crucial if you want to make a positive impression.

Additionally, grinning offers numerous health advantages. You can reduce your tension by smiling. You can look younger by smiling. Your blood pressure will be lowered as a result. A grin can help you feel less pain when you’re going through a difficult period in your life. The main advantage of smiling is that it extends your life. I think these are good enough reasons to smile every day.

The fact that it elevates your mood and spreads optimism throughout your life is one of the biggest advantages. When you smile at someone, you make their day better and help them feel good about themselves. This causes them to smile back at you. It goes without saying that you will feel good about yourself when you make other people feel good.

It’s difficult to find individuals in this world who truly understand you and can make you smile, so always surround yourself with those who do. Always smile at the individuals you care about.

Today’s prompt is,

What does a smile mean to you?

For me, a smile is a ray of hope.

A smile is peace.

A smile is a sign of showing love and kindness.

A smile is a friend-maker.

A smile is the key to reaching everyone’s heart.

A smile is a teacher that teaches us to be happy all the time, as life is too short to cry.

A smile makes life more magical.

A smile is a powerful weapon that we can use to change the world.

A smile is a symbol of a positive attitude toward life.

A smile is the best thing that happened to human beings as it makes everyone look more attractive and beautiful.

For me, a smile is priceless.

"Just smiling at someone walking down the street can make the person’s day. It’s all about paying it forward."

-Mariska Hargitay

This post is inspired by the below article written by Dr. Preeti Singh

