Spirituality Is Oneness The Keys Are Love And Gratitude

In response to Dancing Elephants Press prompt #13 of 52

Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by AARN GIRI on Unsplash

Spirituality takes many forms of idealization through different individuals. While it is often religious to most people, some people find spirituality through meditation, yoga, wisdom, erudition, or even science. Life struggles can also make a person enlightened and spiritually driven.

Some people are born spiritual beings.

It purely depends on how it’s being perceived; no different than religious beliefs.

What is spirituality for you?

Let me share my view on this often misconstrued and misguided idea.

For me, Spirituality is;

a calm and happy state of mind that cannot be disturbed or altered easily by any means,

a constant state of consciousness and self-awareness,

a state of being connected, deep-rooted, and grounded deep within, to the surrounding, and to the Earth and beyond like the deep-rooted trees.

Odayanchal, Kerala, India — Photo: GnanVi

Connection with The Earth!

“If you can establish a connection between you and the earth like the roots of the tree, get dissolved in it, and feel a state of nothingness, that is spirituality!”

In the lap of Mother Nature!
You walk, crawl, sit, lie, and You Treasure!

Grow your roots stronger and wider!
Get deeper and deeper!

Creating a spiritual resonance!
Enhancing your spiritual eminence!

Hold my hand so that I can take you on a time travel adventure and revisit a few pages of my young adulthood and let’s see whether you feel what I experienced.

I come from a very humble background but grew up enriched with greater ethical standards, pure unconditional love and care of a selfless mother, and the bliss of Mother Nature.

I revisit a particular moment in life, re-live that moment, and bring out my feelings into writing.

So, as a mature woman of 44, when I revisit the pages of my life as a 7-year-old, I’m able to find the answers to all those things I wondered about at that time. I can see a different meaning to life from a spiritual standpoint.

  • Are you someone who can be happy, calm, and more comfortable with yourself, even being alone and doing nothing?
  • Are you someone who can spend a whole day without food or water, sitting on a rock 🪨 in a stream, gazing at the elegant curves of the dance moves of the water and feeling the thrust when they gush against the rocks? Do you also gaze at the meadows following the waves of happy colors of butterflies knocking on the doors of vibrant yellow, orange, and white flowers?🦋
  • Are you someone who does walk into the woods, walk and walk and walk reaching nowhere until you hit the brink, it’s already time to say goodbye to the sun 🌞 and suddenly you come to your consciousness and realize that your family would be worried! And then you head back!
  • Are you someone who can make a connection with animals, birds, and other tiny creatures sharing the space around us on this beautiful planet?
  • Are you someone who feels that you don’t belong here, that you’re different and uncomfortable being normal to others?

These are my own personal traits. Yes, I have always been so connected to Nature since my childhood.

Do you relate to any of these?

I always found solace out in Nature and felt very safe. It was like Mother Nature always called me and I felt the connection deeply rooted in the earth like the roots of the trees. I was never scared to be alone in Mother Nature’s lap.

I was undaunted even when my bodyguard, “Dragon,” my dog, was taken away by a leopard and a hungry bear sneaked into our garden to gulp all that honey, breaking all the wooden beehives.

Even today, that lovely house where I lived serves as a shelter for the bears and the Indian Gaur.

The Magical Touch

Here’s another incident where I received energy and blessing from Mother Nature when I needed her the most.

A few months ago, I visited the beautiful mountains of my hometown for an official meeting arranged on short notice. The meeting turned into more of a casual and friendly meeting as the person who invited us happened to be my husband’s classmate’s friend. We had fun chatting and playing with Lucky, their labrador retriever puppy.

We had lunch together and after a while, our new friend took us to a place in the nearby jungle. We parked the car where the road ended and started walking. After some 500 feet, we turned right and it lead us to the wilderness. Only a few people know this place and I wish it stays like that forever.

Now, we walked a few more yards and I began to feel a difference, the sense of the wild, the cool breeze, the warmth, the fresh air!

Going deep and deep inside, I suddenly felt a jolt, a pulse, like stepping into a new planet.

What an amazing experience! It felt like Mother Nature held me tight in her arms close to her heart with warm hugs and cuddles…

And then there was a beautiful lake. I was already feeling like out in heaven and we went further deep into the thick woods and we reached another dam that was built in the 1900s. It was so serene and enchantingly beautiful that cannot be expressed in words.

I felt like I was connected with a charger directly to the power source! I asked Mother Nature for this energy and I was blessed with it!

I’m so grateful for that moment. I thank our friend and owe him a great debt of gratitude!

Have you had a similar experience in Nature where you were touched by some strange power?

Connection with Animals

Animals are wonderful beings. The animal’s love, care, and gratitude are so incomparable.

Again, I would like to share an awe moment!

I was 18 or 19 at that time. The tea estate where we lived was one of the biggest estates in Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India. There were some parts of the tea gardens that had no access by vehicles, so they had two donkeys to go and fetch the tea bags. They had to go crossed our home to reach the deep valley behind our house and that’s how I met them.

We became friends very quickly and I used to feed them whenever I meet them. Even if they don’t find me anywhere, they’ll wait near the gate and call me.

After some days, the jennet got pregnant and our friendship grew stronger and we became closer, as she was allowed to rest and we got more time to spend together. Jack continued with his job.

One morning, I could hear her braying, very loud and vital, a little unusual compared to the regular signal she gives me. She was waiting near the gate.

I walked towards the gate asking her if everything was okay and opened the gate. Before I walked out of the gate she grabbed my dress and dragged me to the godown where they store all the fertilizers and stuff.

And, in one corner, there was this beautiful “Black Diamond.” Yes! She has delivered a baby. The foal was so special, so cute and he was black. Such a lovely moment in my life!

But, within a week, I had to move to the city for my first job career. After a few months, I was there visiting my parents.

I got off the bus and started walking toward my father’s office. A few steps further, I was feeling some chillness in my fingers on the right and I slowly turned and went “AWE!!”

It was the baby foal! I was so happy to see him and shocked as I could see neither of his parents. I didn’t see the foal either when I got off the bus and I still wonder, how and from where did he come to me. I would like to call it “The Magical Bonding!”

What can I say about that same awe moment being recreated after a few years? But, this time, it was a dog.

This happened in the city where I started my career in Medical Documentation Services for an MNC in May 2000. I chose to work in night shift because I needed the extra money to care for my elderly retired parents. My house was located within walking distance.

Every morning when I left the shift there would be a gang of stray dogs in the street junction waiting to escort me. As I reach home, I’ll feed them some biscuits or something and they will all leave happily except this one dog, Vicky.

He was so different and he always had this pride like a gang leader and looked nice too, strong and muscular, and seemed like a crossbreed.

He would never leave the gate, lying there the whole time, and slowly he gained my attention and we became friends. This continued for three years or so and then I moved to another place.

After a few months, I visited my friend who was residing on the street next to where I used to live and where Vicky was. We spoke for a little while and when it was time to leave, I came near the door facing backward, saying goodbye to my friend.

There was that same feeling of chillness in the fingers of my right hand. I turned back and looked and went “AWE!!” It was Vicky. I said to myself, “How did he even know I was here?” “Where did he come from?” I don’t have answers for that.

What do you get from these events about animal love and the connection you can make with them?

Have you experienced anything like this in your life?

The Inner Connection!

You are your own healer!

Realize this and work on yourself to attain that state of mind where you can free yourself!

Close your eyes!
See your lungs!
Feel your breath!

Talk to your mind!
Help calm down!
Feel your blood and beat!

Lose yourself!
Up like a feather!
High and disappear!

Practice this as a journey within yourself to explore and nourish yourself!

I know it isn’t as easy as it’s written, but to live a blissful life for the rest of your existence, isn’t it worth making some effort?

But, I can guarantee that you can achieve this just by adding these two ingredients to the recipe of your life,



Love yourself!
So that you can love your family!
“Love” is pure! “Love” is true!

Love your family!
So that you can love your neighbors!
“Love” is clarity! “Love” is patience!

Love your neighbors!
So that you can love everyone around the world!
“Love” is beautiful! “Love” is powerful!

Love everyone!
So that you can love Earth and its Lives!
“Love” is care! “Love” is joy!

Love the Earth altogether!🌎
So that you can help flourish Her!🌳
“Love” is serene! “Love” is “Peace!”


This one ingredient will make our lives sweet and even our dishes tasty. Yes! You’ll have to taste my cooking to feel the taste of love. I add loads of love to my cooking!


Gratitude is the ORIGIN of happiness and happiness is the origin of love.

Happiness plays the role of “The Aquifer” from which the spring originates to form the streams and then the rivers. The aquifer is charged by rain.

The aquifer of happiness needs to be charged by gratitude to flow out as the stream of love.

Being grateful for smaller things leads to more happiness and more fulfillment. A satisfied mind acts as a catalyst for positive vibes that are truly contagious.


Everything in life is a balance of both positives and negatives. Let’s only focus on the positives and practice GRATITUDE to get charged with the positive energy generated by HAPPINESS and light up the world with the power of LOVE with your eyes closed and your arms wide open with a feeling of “ONENESS!”

And, you dissolve into the Earth and the beyond!

“Spirituality is Oneness!

The Human Connection with Earth and Beyond through Love and Gratitude!” — GnanVi

Being grateful keeps you happy!

Being happy keeps you loving!

Being loving keeps you spiritually inclined!

“Love” and “Gratitude” act as the two main building blocks in your journey of spirituality that is easily attainable by anyone who desires to achieve it by staying connected to Mother Nature!

You don’t have to run around in search of spirituality. All you need is a journey within yourself and get immersed in Nature.

“Connect Within and Connect with Nature!”


Spread Love! Spread Happiness!



Dancing Elephants Press

🙏Grateful. Enjoy my stories of a balanced, spiced up concoction of life experiences, learnings from Nature. Spread love, happiness, positivity, sustainability.