Surprising Twist First Writer Of The Month Award

Dancing Elephants Press Awards #1

Dancing Elephants Press
8 min readFeb 19, 2023


Award Design: DR Rawson – The Possibilist (Frame, Photo Collage App from App Store — GnanVi)

🏆Thank You! It’s a great honor for me to receive this special Dancing Elephants Press’ “First Writer of the Month Award.” I’m so grateful!🏆

It’s Showtime

As I am starting to write, again, I’m having tears in my eyes. I don’t remember being this emotional in the recent past. This is the next day after I received the award and it has been four days since I was informed that I have been selected and I will be having an interview with DR Rawson - The Possibilist. I waited this long because I wanted the story to flow through me. I don’t think I’m ready yet but I can’t wait any longer to share my happiness and my gratitude.

The Bell

The night so dark and my eyes only snooze
This is my normal sleep pattern
Every time I wake up I look up the phone
This is my new norm hey listen

It’s Medium my latest edition of the addiction
Which I don’t want to get treated😌
Next to the strong coffee of my heart’s selection
That I think I should abstain from😉

The News

So, on February 13, 2023, at 5 a.m. IST (PST – Feb 12 at 3:30 p.m.) as I look up my phone, there was a notification from LinkedIn. I was half asleep, I just kept the phone down and the very next second I was up and said “Who” and I was curious what would it be and picked up my phone again.

Screenshot — GnanVi

I see this👆shared via LinkedIn! OMG! I couldn’t believe my eyes, I still don’t! I’m still having a feeling that “I am living in my dreams.” My eyes filled with tears! And, I don’t understand why, even now, every time I think about this, my eyes sink in tears.

After a while, another bell and it was the message from the Captain of Dancing Elephants Press, Dr. Gabriella Korosi.👇🏻

Screenshot — GnanVi

I was floating in tears already when I received this message.

Dr. Gabriella Korosi Oh, I have to create a new dictionary of words to edify her. So full of love, positivity, creativity, and out-of-the-box thoughts and ideas. So caring and sharing. It’s her compassion and radiance that spreads through the whole team and make this DEP community a lively habitat. You’ll feel that warmth when you’re in this beautiful, loving nest.

The Interview Part #1

Would you believe me if I say this was my first-ever interview? I’ve worked for MNCs, in five different companies since 2000 before I decided to be a full-time mom a decade ago. But, every time I would receive a phone call to check my interest followed by an invitation with an appointment letter through the mail and I just directly join. So, I never had a chance to attend an interview. Come, let’s zoom into my new experience.

DR Rawson – The Possibilist from the editorial team, we call him DR (not doctor), he likes to be called that way. He is now the father of this beautiful DEP Family. He’s such a kind and lovely person in his late 70s, loaded with experience in diverse fields and knowledge about anything in the world and beyond, yes, he even left his footprints in NASA.

DR connected via WhatsApp and fixed the time for a Zoom meeting on February 14, 2023, at 6:30 a.m. IST (Feb 13 at 5 p.m. PST). I somehow managed to come out of that unexplained emotional state I was in and was ready and good to go, even though I had no idea how it was going to be. I was right on time for the interview, very casual, and had a very cool conversation, it was all good. The End.

Just then DR noticed!

No! Boom!💥 You know what happened? The Zoom session was not recorded 🤯

Then, DR said we’ll do one more take and he explained a small role play where I had to look at the lower left corner of the screen and pretend there’s the award and express my shock, gratitude, and happiness. 😱

Come on! I’m a very shy person and very very camera-shy. But, still, I had no option and as there was very little time left, it was all in a hurry bury, just a few questions, “the role play,” which of course was pathetic, and done. The session was closed and I was doomed again.🤯

I was in a very confused state, very upset, but could anything be done? No. Yet I was proud that I somehow did it.

But, I was very unhappy. This is the first DEP Award and how important it is to create a memorable moment, not only for me but also for the Dancing Elephants Press. Something needs to be done. I thought I should just ask for another take, what if I get a chance?

I jumped out of bed and quickly sent a message to DR stating, “I am just worried about how it came out…is it possible to do it again?” And, he said he’ll edit it and get back. I was so restless.

And “ding,” I looked at the message and it said, “Ok, what time are you thinking?” Phew! So relieved.

The Interview Part #2

Now, I got one whole day to prepare myself, and added benefit is that I have a better idea about the interview, YES!

The whole time, I just played and replayed the interview, prepared, and even jotted down some bullet points, which of course was not useful. As the clock was ticking, getting closer and closer, I started feeling nervous. I was so prepared but couldn’t figure out why.

Anyway, it was time and DR also was there, and Oh! He’s amazing, he has the charm to make anyone feel so comfortable. When I told him that I was a bit nervous, he said, “come here” and got closer to the screen, and in a storytelling style, he shared a memorable moment about his son which happened the day before. It was about the weightlifting competition held in California in which his 44-year-old son won the second prize and it was very touching to see the proud father in him when he shared it with me. He also shared how his son was shy, spoke very little, and how he has overcome that to reach this level.

Then, another incident where DR was invited by the king of Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Zaki Yamani, when he was in his 30s, and how the king was nervous throughout the meeting. Even a majestic king could become nervous! Hah! It was shocking to hear this.

In that flow, he just drove me into the interview, and that way I was able to perform a bit better. The rest is there in the video. Also, got a WhatsApp message from DR, “I’m glad we did the interview again.” He also wrote an article about me, so wonderful! I’m so honored!👇🏻

The journey didn’t end there. There was another article about me by Dr. Gabriella Korosi. And, I also got the message that I’m included in DEP’s second book project.👇🏻

Sugary! Sugary! Overdosed!
I was getting dizzy!
Oh! What can I say?
It still feels like a dream!
I’m so blessed!

My DEP Family

Now, more than the award and everything else, what I’m enjoying the most is that we are all connected through WhatsApp and it kind of gives a feeling that I’m not alone. I have been away from humans and gadgets for more than a decade now, “on my toes to run off into the jungle.” But, now, it’s so relieving and comforting like I got a new family.

Above all, I just flew into the sky, on cloud 9 when Dr. Preeti Singh called me in person to congratulate me. Countless blessings! I’m just not able to handle it! On the other side, wishes from Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles and Sharing Randomly, and DEP writers through WhatsApp group.

Oh! Thank you all for giving me so much love and love and love. I’m so overwhelmed and still in my dreamland. I have to come out of this state and get back on track. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything, oh! no.

I don’t know in which level of dreams I’m in; the second or third, like in the movie, “Inception.”

Someone, please play the music for me!!!


Once again, I thank Dr. Gabriella Korosi, the owner of Dancing Elephants Press, and the Editorial team DR Rawson - The Possibilist, Dr. Preeti Singh, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, and Lorena, Sharing Randomly for giving me this precious experience and for the love and continuous support.

I’m only three months into writing. An award at this very early stage of the writing journey is unbelievable and unimaginable. How blessed I am to be chosen for this treasure, the first-ever award from Dancing Elephants Press. I’m overflowing with gratitude and joy.

Looking forward to meeting new awardees and cherishing the loving moments every month. There’s always something new and exciting happening in DEP.

If you’re not a part of this team, Welcome Home! It’s a lovely, lively place to hang out and prepare yourself to be charged with all that positive reads you find here. We have the best of the best creative captain and editors who throw out ideas and very thought-provoking prompts and very creative writers and poets to weave colorful, vibrant, and culture-rich stories to spread positive vibes and energize.

The Book Project

My hearty congratulations to all the participants in Dancing Elephants Press Book Project Carmen Micsa, MA in English, podcaster, Libby Shively McAvoy, Umme Salma, Jennifer Dunne, Annelise Lords, Dr. Fatima Imam, Shubha Apte, Aarti Tailor, and Leah Lynch.

I’m so glad and grateful and waiting to join you all in this beautiful, blessed journey!

My hearty congratulations to all the selected participants for the Poetry Book Collection, Garima Sharma, Buddhi Ruparathna, William J Spirdione, Malini, Sanghita Pal, and Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

DEP is accepting 4 additional applications for the poetry collection. If you’d like to participate, submit a letter of intent by March 1, 2023 to Dancing Elephants Press.

Follow Dancing eElephants Press and Join us!


Spread Love! Spread Positivity!

I would like to thank Katie Michaelson, I wouldn’t be here without her. Thank you!

I thank all my followers, readers, clappers, and commenters. I wouldn’t have reached this milestone without you!

I thank Medium for giving us this amazing platform where new writers are even created, Medium Creators and Medium Staff for providing all the support and services.

A delightful read about the precious moments of the DEP Monthly Zoom Meeting by Dr. Fatima Imam 👇🏻

Come join us and help spread positivity and inspire millions to live a better life, to make this planet a better place. Soon, we’ll be doing a project on this.👇🏻

🙏Thank You!🙏



Dancing Elephants Press

🙏Grateful. Enjoy my stories of a balanced, spiced up concoction of life experiences, learnings from Nature. Spread love, happiness, positivity, sustainability.