The Enchanted Balcony

Petals and Painted Skies

Sreya Satheesh
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readApr 14, 2024


Image : Freepik

There existed a small balcony — an overlooked nook that clung to the side of my dwelling like a forgotten memory. It was a space that had once held nothing more than an empty void.

One fateful morning, as the sun peeked over the neighboring skyscrapers, I stood on that barren balcony. The air smelled of exhaust and ambition, but my heart whispered a different story. It was mine — an empty canvas waiting for inspiration. Why not transform this overlooked space into something magical?

I started with five tiny seeds. I planted them in pots — some old, some new. Each pot held a different plant: a fern, a morning glory, and marigolds that looked like little suns. As the days passed, I tended to them with care, watching as they sprouted.

The pots multiplied, and soon my balcony was a riot of colors and textures. The fern unfurled its delicate fronds, creating a lush green curtain that danced in the breeze. The morning glory climbed the railing, its azure blossoms opening to greet the sun each day. And the marigolds — they burst forth in a profusion of golden petals, their sunny faces turning toward the light.

But my heart yearned for more. So, I gathered more seeds — a handful of zinnias, cosmos, and a strawberry plant. I tucked them into the soil, imagining the riot of colors they would bring. And sure enough, they didn’t disappoint.

As time passed, my balcony transformed. I decided to add a touch of comfort. A wooden chair found its way onto the sun-kissed platform.

And so, my overlooked balcony became a sanctuary. A place where I could sip my morning coffee, a place to read, surrounded by the fragrance of blooming flowers. A space where I could watch the city wake up, its hustle and bustle fading into the background.

The forgotten balcony is forgotten no more — it’s a story of growth, of nurturing, and of finding beauty in the most unexpected places.🌿

✍ — Published by Dr. Gabriella Korosi, at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines.



Sreya Satheesh
Dancing Elephants Press

Software Engineer & Student. I find joy in good books, creating art, gardening & cherishing beautiful moments. ✨