The Lost Art of Listening.

A Chance Meading
Dancing Elephants Press
4 min readJul 7, 2024


There’s something in society as a whole that is too often being set aside.

Photo by Anastasiya Badun on Unsplash

What’s that?

Bestowing value. Looking at another person as worth our time.

Human beings are innately givers, I think. If that seems like a stretch for some, then perhaps we can concede that people are traders by nature. Not Traitors… although sometimes you might see evidence of that. However, here we’re talking about people trading one thing for something else.

Hear me out on this. Trading time. Energy. Effort. Attention. For something we want, need, desire….

Now, what if we decided to use these intangible resources from our singular life in a proactively, intentionally, pro-people way? What if we saw them as our opportunity to bestow value, compassion, and connection to those around us?

(People Who, whether they admit it or not- want to be seen and known just as badly as you or I)

A place to start?

Perhaps let's look at the ingredients it takes to become a lifelong listener.

Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash

How to listen WELL:

  • 1. Add 2 full cups of Slow



A Chance Meading
Dancing Elephants Press

Hi there. Yes- I know how to spell… my name’s Amanda Mead. I’m just trying to be clever, and often failing. Here’s my honest, somewhat messy look at life. *