The Perfect Self-love Day

In response to Dancing Elephants prompt 17 of 52

Jessica Levine
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

In light of this brand-new month of February and Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought that it would be a great idea to participate in this lovely prompt hosted by Dancing Elephants Press. In this prompt, we are to write about what a day of self-love would look like to us. Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles did a great job with her prompt!

My Self-love Day

Just imagining a whole day to submerge myself in self-love sounds amazing! The love that we give ourselves is so important and it is often overlooked or pushed to the side as we tend to others and what life throws at us.

My day would start with a delicious homemade breakfast, fully equipped with some warm comfort food! I am dreaming of pancakes, eggs, French toast, and sausage. This meal of mine would be paired with a delicious cup of tea or coffee. It makes me feel warm inside just thinking of it.

