The Power of Politeness

A story about being polite

Rick Allen
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readMay 16, 2024


An 8-year-old student approaches his sad, tired male teacher in classwith a pleasant greeting.
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In class, Sam noticed his teacher, Mr. Lee, seemed unusually quiet and tired.

Remembering how Mr. Lee always appreciated polite greetings, Sam approached him after the lesson.

With a respectful tone, he asked, “Mr. Lee, are you okay? You seem a bit different today.”

Surprised by Sam’s thoughtful approach, Mr. Lee smiled and shared he’d been having a tough day.

Sam’s polite concern lifted his spirits, showing him his students cared.

From that day, Sam learned that simple acts of politeness can deeply touch others and brighten their day, teaching him the power of empathy and respect in everyday interactions.

If you want stories like this for your children or grandchildren, please visit our website or our YouTube Channel.

“Nurturing Young Minds, One Tale at a Time.”

This story is based on the attribute of politeness.

Other stories to read:



Rick Allen
Dancing Elephants Press

I write about Love, Kitchen, Business, and the lifestyle of an Artist. I became a Portraitist in 1976. It has taken me to many places and enriched my life.