The Spiritual Perspective on Signs of True Twin Flames and Three Common Relationships

The purpose of discernment is not to choose, but to face oneself more truthfully and live better in the present.

Yolk Gemini
Dancing Elephants Press
5 min readJul 25, 2024


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Many people often cannot distinguish between karmic partners, soulmates, and twin flames, and frequently claim to have found their twin or soulmate. Especially soulmates and twin flames, which are easily mistaken for each other. False or misidentified twin flames usually appear in the form of karmic or soulmates.

When someone is experiencing this kind of false twin flame relationship, it is nearly impossible to convince them that it is a misidentification. The reason is that the person must go through this process themselves to awaken at some point in the journey.

If one has not truly experienced it, they cannot understand the process. Although the three relationships have obvious differences, the purpose of discernment is not for you to choose. Because every experience has its reason. If it is due to karma, there may be something you need to change.

Karmic Partner

  • Characteristics: Born out of karma, an emotional connection generated from past resentment or anger. People who confuse you: adversaries, bad colleagues, relatives, doomed relationships, etc.
  • Purpose: Will definitely be experienced, karma needs to be repaid. When you have shared karma, you will be together; when the shared karma disappears, you will naturally separate.
  • Impact: The change in you tends to transform the other person. Like a tree, their change in you is to enclose you, growing into the shape they hope for. Some mention “green tea” or third parties; karmic partners may do such things, aiming to climb up or destroy others’ families, but twins will not. Under karmic issues, twins will always silently step aside and guard you.
  • Real-life feeling: Makes you fall into a mindset of right and wrong, such as: Who is they chatting with now? What are they doing now? Will my position be replaced?


  • Characteristics: Strong emotional connections from the past, like-minded lovers, parents, family, friends, teachers, etc. Sometimes there will also be reverse like-minded situations, such as Holmes and Moriarty.
  • Purpose: May not necessarily meet, might not be in your life’s lessons in this lifetime. After helping you with spiritual growth, they will also separate from you.
  • Impact: The change in others is closer to growing together. Like a tree, growing together, the change in you is to promote your growth. Letting you completely let go of inner pain, for example, you used to have resentment, but now you don’t; you used to have obsessions, but now you don’t.
  • Real-life feeling: Soulmates have no chase or escape, no dark night of the soul.

Twin Flames

  • Characteristics: Souls under the guidance of the same higher self, sharing a high-dimensional higher self. Will definitely be experienced, karma needs to be repaid.
  • Purpose: Real-life obstacles (soul lessons set up), won’t quickly unite, need to go through self-unity to eventually achieve true unity.
  • Impact: Combined by the power of love, can stimulate one’s awakening and push oneself towards the path of love, being the ideal and eternal partner. Will inspire noble ideals in each other’s souls. Working together towards common goals, like revolutionary comrades. Will have a considerable positive impact on people around them.
  • Real-life feeling: Has chase and escape, usually involves a dark night of the soul. As twins, their mission together transcends ordinary love and marriage. Their recognition and love for each other are also very strong. For example, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, after being together, inspired each other’s deepest artistic desires and avant-garde peace ideals, starting to create avant-garde music and performance art, speaking out for anti-war and peace, having a profound impact on the world.

Signs of Twin Flames

  1. Coincidence: Angel numbers like 1111, etc. The time you added each other, the time you chatted, the time you viewed each other’s moments, the time they suddenly thought of you, numbers occasionally seen in your life.
  2. Similarity: Such as similar smiles, habits, facial proportions, etc.
  3. Mirroring: Split of yin and yang energy, so it’s very comfortable to be together again, closely attracted.
  4. Conflict: Elements like zodiac signs, attributes, or five elements conflicting.
  5. Difference: The most representative is the age difference, which is also the biggest lesson twins set for themselves.
  6. Complementarity: The hidden strengths in you appear in the other person. For example, if you are emotionally repressed, your flame is likely to explode emotionally. If you tend to be arrogant, your flame is likely to be elusive and quiet.
  7. Synchronistic events: When you both deviate onto divergent paths, they will appear one after another to push you back on the right track. For example, having similar life changes or turning points, major life events at the same time; for example, something happened to you at a certain age, and something similar happened to the other person at the same age.
  8. Energy resonance: You will feel energy points in your waist and below your ribs. But this feeling appears in the final stage, not at the beginning or middle.

Not everyone needs to find their twin flame; it’s not necessary. Soulmates are also very beautiful.

If you are already obsessed with finding one, it’s no longer unconditional love. Moreover, the appearance of twin flames is natural.

Therefore, if you like someone, just like them; if you want to establish a relationship, just establish it.

If you must see these things, it must come from yourself.

If you are willing to give unconditional love, unconditional acceptance, and unconditional trust to those around you, you yourself are the light.

Libby Shively McAvoy, also a soulful Writer of Twin Flame, has written a STORY about how to love yourself, and in this post offers insightful yet practical steps to help us stay connected to our Higher Selves. Self-love is the ultimate key to twin flames’ union.

This is my first story published in Dancing Elphants Press, thanks for the editor Dr. Preeti Singh, who is a very beautiful and intelligent woman and shares stories about herself in this post. Thank you for her continued editing work on the articles we publish.

. ✍ — Published by Dr. Preeti Singh at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines.



Yolk Gemini
Dancing Elephants Press

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.