There Was No One To Say It

In response to Dancing Elephants July Relationship Prompt

DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Dancing Elephants Press


“The 4 D’s, DR, Diane, David & Dale” | The family archives.

The Last Picture Taken Of Us

I was fifty-five when this was taken; it was our first, last, and only extended family reunion. Meet my Sister Diane, an entrepreneur from when she was 21 until her passing at 59. David (a contractor) passed at age 55, leaving my Sister Dale (a homemaker), 70, and me as the only remaining members of our family.

I Wish My Parents Could Have Said: “DR, take time to be a kid; enjoy it.”

The last time I remember being a kid, I played in the hayloft with the neighbor's kids at the dairy farm next to our tract. We were building a fort against all evil. Girls. Hey, I was a child of seven.

In the span of two short years, I went from a family of six living on a Rabbit farm in very rural El Cajon, CA, to living in a new suburb next to a dairy farm in La Mirada, CA. Then it happened, and it seemed like it was just in one day’s time. I went to school with both parents and returned home while my dad walked out of the door, luggage in hand, and yelled, “I should have known.”

I never found out exactly, but as I grew older, I figured it out, and my mom confirmed it.



DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Dancing Elephants Press

A retired serial entrepreneur, writer, author, and editor committed to the Human Intelligence movement. Please join us.