Tips For Creating Work-Life Balance

Learning to conserve personal resources

Dancing Elephants Press


Balance — Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I have recently developed an interest in Generation Z (often shortened to Gen Z). Also known as Zoomers, this is the demographic group succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation A (Alpha).

Popular media as well as researchers use the mid-to-late 1990s as the starting birth years and the early 2010s as the ending birth years. Generation Z’ers are the children of Generation X or older Millennials.

Members of Generation X are the very first social generation to have grown up with access to portable digital technology and the Internet. From a young age, members of this even though necessarily digitally literate, have been dubbed “digital natives”

Many of them have natural entrepreneurial talents but don’t know how to apply them yet. I want to teach and guide them.

Once a person forms a business, it is wise to join a trade association or a mastermind group. When I was working as a professional speaker, I joined the National Speakers Association (NSA).

Support communities, like NSA, can be very valuable in helping one create a business, influenced by the concept of conservation and balance.

In the most efficient, effective, and conscious group dynamics, there is an intention to give people greater tools and resources. This is done while supporting them in reducing or transcending those actions that limit or infringe on the freedoms or happiness of others. In the end, all these thoughts are meaningless unless you are committed to a life of love, spiritual clarity, emotional balance, kindness, and business success. The willingness and ability to apply the concept and code of conservation and balance on a day-to-day basis will allow you to experience short-term success, and many long-term benefits, while skillfully and consistently minimizing unnecessary struggle.

There is no one definition of what a balanced life is.

But the intention to live this type of life provides one with an opportunity for introspection. As you become more consistent in the application of effective, conscious business practices you will become more emotionally mature and your genetic makeup and biology will naturally, and intuitively, guide you to create a business model that will serve your spiritual needs. One thing is clear — you can never attain a balanced life or business success through the use of logic, the rational mind, and common sense alone. What seems reasonable will be useless to you in rapidly changing markets. A more profound way of thinking is required to succeed here.

About Kōans

One of the most effective ways to tap into your intuition and the well of innovative business thinking is through the use of kōans. The word kōan is a Japanese rendering of a Chinese term that serves as a metaphor for unique principles of reality that transcend the private opinion of any one person or group. In practice a kōan, which is deeply rooted in Zen philosophy, is a core element of innovative business thinking. Also is dialogue, questions, or statements, the meaning of which cannot be understood by logic or rational thinking. Which may be accessible through intuition or lateral thinking. A kōan may be no more than a seemingly meaningless thought you can use to solve problems or access wisdom. It does so through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious to the logical mind and is unlikely to be obtained through the use of traditional inductive or deductive thinking. In essence, kōans may consist of various perplexing element(s), including contradiction, paradox, and ambiguity. Some contain a concise but critical word or phrase derived from a particular story that is designed to disrupt logical thought.

A kōan is not to be answered but rather to be contemplated upon. Kōans may possess an evolving meaning for which there is seldom an appropriate or correct response. It cannot be understood through reason, common sense or the intellect; it is not a riddle or a puzzle with a perfectly right answer.

Appropriate responses to a kōan will vary- different teachers may demand different responses to a given kōan, and the answers may vary by circumstance. With kōan practice, you cut through mental concepts and logical thinking. In this way, a shift in perception brings you from ordinary thought to pure awareness. Kōans often seem paradoxical, but can also show you the assumptions and paradoxes that have come into existence in your way of thinking.

The purpose behind contemplation on kōans is to witness your mind and transcend your usual sense of subject and object, perceiver and perceived, business owner and customer. Long ago Zen kōans were generally handed down verbally from master to student. Over centuries this practice ultimately created a rich oral tradition. As in Zen, reducing unnecessary struggle on the Wisdom path is best achieved by seeking the guidance of a qualified teacher. Such a wise teacher can provide instruction and guidance in all aspects of your Practice, particularly your kōan practice. If you wish to explore kōan based thinking you can begin the classic way by exploring some of the many books containing kōans. They bear some similarity to judicial decisions that cite and sometimes modify precedents but there is no one definitive kōan collection. A kōan collection is a public record of the notable sayings and actions of disciples and masters passing on their teachings to others.

Over the many centuries, numerous interpreters have influenced the way the term kōan is used. One of the core places to contemplate these kōans is during meditation practice. Here kōans may assist you to become aware of the distinction between yourself, your mind, and your beliefs. By doing so you can influence how you view the world. Ultimately kōans can help you realize your true nature. Kōans are where the spiritual, the creative, the profit-centered, and the philanthropic become one. To think and view kōans as an anti-intellectual stream of thought in esoteric Eastern Mysticism is a mistake. To engage a kōan in business is to also explore fuzzy logic, quantum thought, and non-linear mathematics. It is a type of thought that can create numerous disruptive technologies and explore discoveries, based on ambiguity, contradiction, and paradox.

This story is an excerpt from my course “How to Become Really Wealthy”

©Lewis Harrison, all rights reserved.

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Before you go…

I am Lewis Harrison, a successful entrepreneur, and advisor to philanthropists. I am also the award-winning author of over twenty books on business, leadership, personal growth, and strategic thinking. I offer programs, courses, and coaching. I also teach seminars and speak on personal development and life strategies. Reach out to me at

Here are links to three of my best-selling business books:

Grab your FREE copy of my short e-book andJoin my group of 18,000 influencers”.

Published and enjoyed by Annelise Lords.



Dancing Elephants Press

Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism -