Dancing Elephant Press | Relationship

Unconditional and Lasting Relationship Of Love

In response to Dancing Elephants March Relationship Prompt

Sahil Patel
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Raul Angel on Unsplash

"Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved." - Erich Fromm

Mother’s love is one of the most precious love a person gets throughout their life. It’s pure and full of emotions. Mother’s bond is beyond any measure.

From the moment I entered this world, I shared an emotional and stronger bond with my mother. Her love is precious to me because it guided me through every aspect of life showing me the right path in life.

She is the pillar of strength in my entire family during these difficult times. Her lessons of life help me remain resilient and kind in the toughest times of life. In her, I find solace and peace.

Whenever I am going through some problems in my life, she notices it without even sharing anything with her. She listens to me calmly without any judgments and offers her guidance. She never imposed any of her choices and opinions on me. She always supported me in my choices. Many times, when I was taking the wrong steps she told me that if I wanted to do it, just do it because if you don’t succeed, you will learn something that will help you in the future. Because she believes that we will never fail. We either succeed or learn.

Through the years, we have been through many problems and struggles in life. However, whenever we came out of a tough time our relationship grew deeper with each shared moment.

When I reflect on our relationship, I find the two things that are the pillars of our unbreakable relationship are simple yet profound — communication & respect.

These both are simple but if not done effectively they can cause a lot of damage to a relationship.

If you want your relationship with anyone to be clear and without any misunderstanding then effective communication is the only way. Always indulge yourself in an open and honest conversation with your loved ones. If you don’t like anything about them, then be honest about it and let them know. If you hide then it can ruin your relationship.

The second most important thing in a relationship is respect. Love will come along if it’s not there. However, without respect, love will not be there in any relationship. There is always mutual respect between two people to make a healthy relationship.

No matter how the circumstances change, never disrespect your loved ones because until you don’t do it there is always a chance to mend a broken relationship. On the side, when you cross your limit and disrespect your loved ones then it becomes tough to mend a relationship. Always be careful with your words because once said a words can’t be taken aback.

Always express your thoughts, concerns, and feelings openly and cultivate a deeper understanding of your relationship with the other person. Through communication, we bridge the gap between us.

The bond between every mother and child is very precious and unbreakable. Relationships are a beacon of light that gives us hope in life.

