Unlocking Happiness And Discovering Joy In Baking.

In response to the Dancing Elephants Press prompt 20 of 52

Shubha Apte
Dancing Elephants Press
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash.

Do you need fancy things to feel good and happy? Sometimes we need to avoid seeking happiness in all the wrong places.

True joy and happiness are present in simple things. We only need to be mindful and present at the moment.

Last weekend I was feeling low since I kept worrying about my mom’s declining health. Her doctor told me there was nothing to fear because her digestive system and other organs had slowed down because of her age. It looked like there was nothing one could do but pray for her to feel better. I felt more stressed and helpless.

To keep my mind occupied, I decided to bake.

My friend had sent me a recipe for nuts and seed bread. I had never tried making this healthy nuts and seed bread. The bread is made without flour, eggs, and yeast. It has flax, chia, sunflower seeds, almonds, oats, and coconut.

Baking has always been a calming and meditative experience for me. I got all the ingredients and started the process. I focused on the task because baking requires precision and patience. And since this was the first time I tried a new recipe, I wanted to be extra cautious.

Once the ingredients were mixed and blended, they had to be left in the baking pan for 2 hours before putting it in the preheated oven for baking. And it had to be baked twice.

I had to be patient to see the result.

Voila!! The outcome was super! It turned out even better than I expected.

Photo by Shubha Apte

I was surprised at how baking had helped in changing my mood. It provided me relief from all the stressors.

The aroma of the freshly baked bread was a mood booster.

Photo by Shubha Apte

While serving the bread to my husband and mom, I was smiling.

I had read about the kitchen being the latest Nirvana. Trust me, it turned out to be true for me. It gave me some respite from the stresses and brought joy and happiness.

“Baking is my therapy. It’s the way I relax and focus after a long day. When I’m feeling stressed, I bake to unwind.” — Mayowa Oluwashanu.

Thankyou Sharing Randomly, Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Dr. Preeti Singh, DR Rawson - The Possibilist for the lovely prompt and publication.

I really enjoyed reading all about the Mexican color from Sharing Randomly. A very inspiring post.



Shubha Apte
Dancing Elephants Press

A self-improvement advocate, my journey unfolds through , travel, and life experiences, and insights gained navigating the corporate world. www.shubhaapte.com