Unveiling My Wishlist

In response to Dancing Elephants prompt 42 of 52

Umme Salma
Dancing Elephants Press
5 min readJul 25, 2023


Image by Author

Today, on this beautiful morning, while enjoying green tea, bathing in the warm sun and gentle breeze, and listening to chirping birds, I sit in my writing space and ask myself again and again, what is on my wish list?

In this late 30’s, what are things left I want to achieve, be it materialistic, emotional, or spiritual?

Then, one after another, knock at my heart, saying, “ Hey, have you forgotten me in the rush of life? I am your old wishes, your old dream, apart from your brand new ones”.

I smiled and started writing down my old wishes that get suppressed in layers of the dust of life and new ones sprouting in my heart.

1. I want to be a Rabbaitul Bait (Queen of my Home)

The image of the Author. On the big day, she starts weaving the dream of becoming a Rabbaitul Bait, the queen of home.

My husband calls me his Rabbaitul Bait, meaning the queen of the home.

Still, I want to grow and excel as Rabbaitul Bait. I want to be that wife to whom my husband finds peace and comfort. Seeing her, the husband forgets all his struggles of the day.

I want to be that mom who brings her children with good values. I want to be that queen of the home who nourishes her home and family soulfully and meaningfully.

I want every corner of my house to spread the fragrance of peace and tranquility.

2. I want to transform my passion into a profession

Writing is my passion. I left my job two years ago and became a full-time homemaker.

But, I want to earn money again (working from home) so that I don’t have to withdraw my savings to gift my loved ones on their special days, and most importantly, I want to earn again for charity purposes.

If I can transform my passion for writing into my profession, that would be fantastic. It would inspire me to craft my words more beautifully, meaningfully, and wisely.

Fortunately, I have worked on two book projects with the collaboration of fantastic authors under the banner of Dancing Elephants Press.

I would love to collaborate with interested colleagues here on Medium to run an incredible online magazine.

3. I want to travel and explore

I want to explore the creation of the Almighty, the world. I want to experience the beauty of different countries. People, food, place.

Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach, image by Author

4. I want a library in my home

I have hundreds of books in my home but have no dedicated room for the books. I have the desire to make a library in my house.

A mini Bookshelf at the Author’s place. Image by Author

I want to have it like a duplex structure. Stairs from my home to the rooftop, there will be a small room, my dream library.

Me and my husband will read books, have coffee, and go to the roof. Sometimes, we’ll enjoy moonlit while reading books (If the Almighty will).

5. I want to experience gardening (rooftop gardening or balcony gardening)

Due to space limitations, I can’t immediately think of a full-fledged garden of fruits, flowers & vegetables.

Mango Seedling, Author’s Balcony

However, I am fascinated with the idea of a rooftop garden/ balcony garden. Initially, I will start with a balcony garden piloting with crops like chili, lemon, brinjal, etc.

So far, I do not know about gardening, but I am hopeful I will learn and implement that, as my heart is yearning for it.

6. I want to be an excellent cook

I wish one day, my guest would lick their fingers because of the delicious food I would prepare.

Oats cookies by Author. Image by Author

I wish one day, everyone will want to have more and more bites of my handmade food. The aroma, the texture, and the taste of my cooked food will reach their heart.

They will love the food I cook like anything- that’s one of my wishes.

7. Work as a Caliph (Representative) of our Almighty

I want to enrich my knowledge of religion and spirituality and then disseminate my learning free of cost. I wish to read the holy book of the Almighty, try to understand its depth, and utilize this divine guideline in life. After enriching my knowledge, it would be my duty to spread the message and interpretation of the words of our Creator, our Lord, the Almighty.

I would like to thank Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles for this wonderful prompt on wish. It made me sit, think and reflect.

You can read and share your wishes with us as well.

There are other beautiful and in-depth prompts for July by Diana C.

There are exciting quarterly Contest by DR Rawson - The Possibilist and the editorial team of DEP

Let’s grow together.

