We are the Architects of Our Destiny

Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readJan 5, 2024


Hello, 2024. The vain Elvie, again😂

In life, I stand alone,

Architects of destiny, seeds I’ve sown.

A tableau vast, my dreams unfurled,

I shape my fate in this boundless world.

With every choice, a brushstroke bold,

In my hands, the future I tightly hold.

No puppetry strings, no force unseen,

My journey’s captain, on seas serene.

Through valleys low and mountains high,

I navigate the vastness of the sky.

No victim, no pawn in another’s game,

I write my story, my own, my name.

The pen in my grasp, I craft each line,

A symphony of choices, a design divine.

Challenges may come, like storms at sea,

Yet, resilient hearts steer me to be free.

I embrace the power within my core,

Forge ahead, let doubt be no more.

In the echo of time, let it be known,

I am the architect, my path my own.

So I rise with courage, let dreams take flight,

Illuminate the darkness, banish the night.

For in my hands, the power to weave,

A destiny bold, only I can achieve.

Elvie Lins 2024

I was watching a TV show on our Local Channel and the advertisement said, we design our own life and so this poem was born.


Garima Sharma’s poem

Thanking Annelise Lords, Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Dr. Preeti Singh, and DR Rawson — The Possibilist for his inspiring article.

Thank you so much for reading.



Dancing Elephants Press

Writes about #Travel, #Photography, #Life, and #Poetry. Message me at @successwitheve on Twitter and email me at successwitheve@gmail.com