What’s The Best Thing One Can Do For Their Children?

Children need appreciation and encouragement more than you can imagine.

Tehniat Zakir S.
Dancing Elephants Press
3 min readSep 14, 2024


Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

What Do Children Need The Most

In today’s world where technology has advanced, some things are still hard to achieve. It’s the basic need of your child to feel cherished, important, and someone whose worth is a lot more than he can imagine.

We’ve all been there. We’ve all gone through the stage where we wanted to do little things. Where we want to get noticed or to hear someone appreciating us.

Appreciation Is Addictive

Appreciation is always addictive and most of you can agree with me on that. And if we look at it from the perspective of a child, then it’s more than addiction. It’s their sense of security. The sense that they feel when their parents appreciate them.

On the contrary, when one of the parents rudely shuns them or insults them in front of other kids, it demotivates them. It breaks them from the inside.

Have you ever heard voice of any ant that you might’ve stepped on? No right. That’s the same sound that comes from that child who is never appreciated for anything. Or he is rebuked most of the time.

Are Parents At Fault Here?

Since it’s a general setting that I’m discussing so generally the answer is yes. But specifically, it is different from one place to another.

In general, parents often don’t realize that their way of making their kids flawless is doing damage to their children. Constantly pointing out flaws in anything that they do and not. Appreciating them for their efforts can leave them insecure and unhappy.

Different Ways To Appreciate Your Child

There are many ways through which you can appreciate your child while also actively giving positive criticism of their mistakes.

  1. Be a good listener.
  2. Listen to their motive behind any action.
  3. Try not to scold them in front of other kids or their friends most importantly.
  4. Support your child when they need it. ( In case they are wrong, explain to them nicely and in simple words)
  5. Be a friend to your child. They should feel encouraged to share their problems with you.
  6. Appreciate them for their efforts.

Thought Of The Day

Every child is innocent and deserves love. Every child wants love from his parent. The simple, subtle attention of his parents might make his day. Remember to cherish your children every now and then. No child should feel unloved or alone. Appreciate them and love them. Pu

Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they’re already asleep.

Thanks for reading. Do read more stories from Tehniat Zakir S. Start from this one below.

Also, do read this story from Raahil Modi. It’s a very beautiful and insightful piece.

This is another amazing story from Rick Allen. Highly recommended from my side.



Tehniat Zakir S.
Dancing Elephants Press

Tehniat is a writer who wants to be limitless, writes about everything that she likes and has joined medium to share her insights with other.