Where I Was Born- How Does It Matter

I define myself by my choices and actions.

Tehniat Zakir S.
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readSep 21, 2024


Image is taken from https://images.app.goo.gl/78ak9hnpdCrkcrs79

The original image above is from https://motherwellmag.com/2017/09/19/practicing-who-i-will-be-when-my-kids-are-out-of-the-house/


‘Life is unfair’ I felt,

‘You matter’ I knew,

Yet my name defined me not,

It was a disputed valley where I grew.


Some called me fortunate-

When I felt like a caged bird,

For how long I could answer,

When there was a limit in it too.

(This stanza is irregular like my life was)


So I chose to define myself,

Not by my birth place nor by something else,

I said I’m Tehniat who chose to be a writer,

I said I’m a girl who chose to shine brighter.

(My name Tehniat means glad tidings, so I link it to myself)

to be continued…

Although poetry is said to be magical, a way to vent out emotions among many other things. For me, it is my record. It records my history, my present, and the upcoming future. It is the way I can find myself and see myself from my own eyes, to strip out of identities others gave me.



Tehniat Zakir S.
Dancing Elephants Press

Tehniat is a writer who wants to be limitless, writes about everything that she likes and has joined medium to share her insights with other.