Inspirational Poetry

Why Don’t We See the Light?

We spend so much time focusing on the negative

LC Lynch
Dancing Elephants Press
2 min readMay 23, 2023


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Twisting, dark, and daunted roads
see shadows all around
so many blocks our path
so much gets us down

Always screaming, hating ourselves
see all that we do wrong
blinded by the darkness
inside, all withdrawn

We spend so much time focusing on the negative
but why can’t we see the light
why can’t we see the light

Forget that with perspective things are relative
how do we know we’re right
how do we know we’re right

Why can’t we see the light?
why can’t we see our brilliance?
why can’t we see our light?

But what if our focus changes
what if we go outside ourselves
released from the darkness
released from our cells

Loving, and appreciating our life
see all that we do right
embraced by our magnificence
rise to a new height

© Leah Lynch 2020



LC Lynch
Dancing Elephants Press

Freelance writer for spiritual entrepreneurs. Uplifting content to heal your mind, body, & soul.