Life | Experiences | Dancing Elephant Press

Why is Forgetting Bad Experiences in life difficult?

The challenge is real

Sahil Patel
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

Have you ever imagined a life without experience?

Life is all about experiences. Without experience, life loses it’s glory. Life is hidden in the good, bad, and bitter experiences. These experiences of life teach us the different shades of life.

Different experiences in life let you grow into a more mature and strong character. Experiences make you feel alive. We only love once, and we have this one life to experience everything.

On the other side, have you ever found yourself unable to shake off the memories of painful experiences? Those moments that haunt you, replaying in your mind with unwavering persistence.

Throughout life, we encounter various experiences, both positive and negative, that leave lasting imprints on our minds. While joyful moments may fade with time, the memory of negative experiences tends to linger, challenging our ability to forget.

The bad experiences of life have a great emotional intensity, which evokes emotions like anger, frustration, guilt, sadness, or betrayal and leaves a great impact on us. The process of forgetting bad experiences is hard.

Sometimes, when I recall a bad experience in my life, I wonder, Why me, God? Can’t my life be a little bit easier?

Every time, when I recall a bad experience of life I feel life is not fair. And that’s true too, life is not fair and we have to accept that. Sometimes, those bad experiences and memories keep me up at night.

I know there are many ways to apply to forget these memories of bad experiences. However, sometimes no matter how much you try you can never forget those moments. It will always be there in one or the other part of your mind.

Sometimes, no matter how much you try you can’t erase the past. However, do experience the most you can because experiences are the real worth of life. It makes your life rich and fulfilling.

Experience life in all possible ways
good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light,
summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become. - Author: Osho

