Why You Need To Stop Seeking People’s Approval

Embrace your true self

Pratik Asija
Dancing Elephants Press
3 min readJul 21, 2023


From our earliest days, the desire to be accepted and liked by others is etched deep within us. We yearn for validation and approval, often going to great lengths to impress people around us. However, the pursuit of external validation can become a suffocating burden, preventing us from embracing our true selves.

Photo by name_ gravity on Unsplash

In this article, we embark on a liberating journey that celebrates authenticity and reveals why seeking constant approval can lead us astray. Let us explore the joys of being true to ourselves, unshackling the chains of approval-seeking behavior.

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town, lived a young woman named Mia. She was kind-hearted, imaginative, and brimming with unique talents. Yet, Mia couldn’t help but feel inadequate, forever seeking the approval of her peers.

Mia loved art and had a natural flair for painting vibrant masterpieces. However, she often found herself holding back, afraid of criticism or rejection. Instead of letting her creativity flow freely, she painted what she believed others would admire.

One day, Mia attended an art exhibition where she met an elderly artist named Mr. Johnson. His work emanated a mesmerizing authenticity that captured the essence of life. Intrigued, Mia struck up a conversation, sharing her own aspirations and fears.

Mr. Johnson smiled kindly and said, “Oh, my dear, never allow the desire to impress others to stifle your true self. Embrace your unique vision, for therein lies your greatest masterpiece.

Mia pondered his words, realizing the profound wisdom within them. She decided to break free from the chains of approval-seeking and embarked on an adventure to rediscover herself.

The Perils of Seeking Approval:

  1. Diminishing Authenticity: Seeking constant approval can cause us to suppress our true thoughts, feelings, and passions. In doing so, we lose touch with our authentic selves, leaving us feeling hollow and unfulfilled.
  2. Illusory Happiness: Relying on external validation for happiness is like building a house on shifting sands. When approval wanes or criticism arises, our happiness falters, leaving us vulnerable to emotional turmoil.
  3. Sacrificing Boundaries: In the quest to be liked, we may compromise our values and boundaries, inadvertently sacrificing our well-being for fleeting approval.

Embracing Authenticity:

  1. Self-Discovery: Letting go of the need to impress others grants us the freedom to explore our true passions and interests. Embrace your unique qualities, as they are the pillars of your identity.
  2. Genuine Connections: By being authentic, we attract like-minded souls who appreciate us for who we truly are, fostering genuine and meaningful connections.
  3. Inner Strength: Authenticity empowers us to stand firmly in our beliefs and values, bolstering our inner strength against external pressures.

Conclusion: The journey toward authenticity liberates us from the shackles of seeking approval and opens the doors to self-discovery, genuine connections, and inner strength. Just like Mia, we must cherish our unique visions and embrace our true selves to create the most beautiful masterpiece — our lives. So, let us embark on this wondrous expedition, rejoicing in the freedom of authenticity and reveling in the priceless worth of being unapologetically ourselves.



Pratik Asija
Dancing Elephants Press

Life is more beautiful than you will ever realize. Embrace the gift and let it work out, it all works out in the end. Live Long and Prosper.