Write a Wish List and Share It With Us

Dancing Elephants Press Weekly Prompt 42 of 52

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Dancing Elephants Press
4 min readJul 17, 2023


Photo by Erik Brolin on Unsplash

A wish list is a list of items that you would like to have in the future. It can be used for anything, from material possessions to experiences. It is a tool to keep track of what you want.

When I was in my twenties and moved to a different city on a job transfer, my salary wasn’t much. My mom and I found a one-room apartment with a shared bathroom. We only brought a trunk of clothes, a trunk filled with some utensils, some bedding, and a sewing machine.

How did we survive? We were ready to work, save and get the things we needed. For that moment, we had a roof over our heads, two meals a day, and work. (Mom found work as a teacher in a little school nearby). Together, our monthly salary was less than $20. But I was 24 and my mom was 41, and we were enthusiastic and hopeful. We hired a chest of drawers for extra storage. Our two trunks placed side by side and covered by a thin mattress served as seating. We slept on the floor, on a mat covered by a sheet.

One thing she taught me was to make wish lists. When I think back on my wish list at the time, I can’t help but smile. I had listed

  • A pressure cooker (we needed one to cook–it would save us fuel)
  • A small closet (we didn’t have any)
  • A TV
  • A refrigerator
  • A string of pearls (I desperately wanted to buy it for my mom)
  • A scooter
  • And so on.

I put a date next to each item, based on when I would realistically accomplish it. I remember I would walk to work rather than take transport as it would cost money. I never ate out and carried lunch from home. I took up extra work on Saturdays to add to my savings.

And you know what? I got nine out of ten things on my list in the timeframe I had planned. What happened to item 10? I decided to drop it.

The thing is, wish lists make life meaningful and encourage us to stretch our imaginations. We get so busy with our daily routine we forget to dream.

This week’s prompt–for week 42 of 52 is this

Make a wish list and share it, explaining why

Why make a wish list?

  1. it can help you to stay focused on your goals. By visualizing what you want, you get the motivation to work towards achieving those goals and take steps to make them a reality.
  2. A wish list can help you to save money. When you know what you want, you are less likely to impulse buy things that you don’t need.
  3. A wish list makes you mindful of what you spend on.
  4. A wish list can simply be a fun way to dream about the future. When you think about all the things that you want, it can be a great way to boost your mood and motivation.

So, your wish list could have

  • Stuff you want to buy
  • Experiences you wish to have (travel, dream vacation, events)
  • Things you would like to do — pursue a course, get back to a hobby, write that book …

Let’s not forget that you can share wish lists (Amazon wish lists anyone?) with your friends, making it easy for them to get you exactly what you want for your special occasions.

No matter what your goals are, a wish list can help you achieve them. Best of all, they are a great way to stay organized and keep track of what you want.

Making a wish list inspires you, giving you the chance to explore your interests and maybe discover things you did not consider before.

So free your mind, and share your wish list. Share a whole list, describing each item, or share one, with the backstory of why it is important to you, and why it is on your list.

I look forward to reading your fabulous lists!


  • Please use this subtitle: In response to Dancing Elephants prompt 42 of 52
  • Use the tag: dancingelepehantspress
  • For photo posts, also use the tag DEP Photography
  • Respond to this prompt anytime — there is no time limit.
  • Never miss a prompt: here’s the list of Prompts 1 to42 of 52

Check out the live book on our home page with all the responses so far!


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With love from your editors:

Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Dr. Preeti Singh, Annelise Lords, and Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Dancing Elephants Press

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts