*Writers — Keep Yourself Motivated

Tips to keeping on and on!

Dawn Ulmer
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

Whenever we have a blast of WRITING ENERGY hit us as writers, we write, create and….but sometimes we run out of steam and begin to lag.

It seems like it would be better if we keep a steady stream of energy going, staying motivated day after day.

Do you need help with that?

How to Keep Yourself Motivated

***WORK WITHIN YOUR BEST TIMES OF DAY OR NIGHT. Determine at what time of day or night you do your best work. Then fit your tasks into that time frame.

The ‘WRITING zone’ awaits you there.

***CONVERT WORK INTO MINUTES. Often we think a job will take longer than it actually does. If we see a job in terms of minutes, we may see the job as manageable.

For example, choosing an image to go with your article may be faster and easier than you think. Or even setting aside just 30 minutes to WRITE, may surprise you at what shows up on your page.

***COMPETE WITH YOURSELF. If it took you 20 minutes last time to do a task, streamline the process and beat the time. You may even find a simpler way. If a task is too involved, try eliminating some aspects and combining the work.

For example, if you need to clean up your desk before you can begin writing, try doing mini-clean ups every day so that you can clean more quickly and can spend your time WRITING!

***REVISE YOUR WRITING TO-DO LIST PERIODICALLY. Keep your priorities on track knowing what tasks need to be done first.

That is one reason why I like the Drafts aspect of Medium. In a file on my computer, I begin my article. When I like how it looks, I enter the piece into a Draft on Medium. I let it sit, going back later to give a final read. If it is as perfect as I can make it, I add a star to the title. Thus I know that draft is ready to be published. My to-do list becomes clear as I look at my starred Drafts.

***ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE. If you decide to post your Medium articles on Mondays and Thursdays, there is no room for debate.

I like to stick to my established schedule (within reason and if possible). That way I know what to do first that day and my readers know when to look for my posts.


Treat yourself to better lighting, a new desk or a live plant. Every time you sit down to work, it will be a pleasure. Maybe even change up your work environment totally— go to the beach to write or on your patio.

***DON’T GET SIDETRACKED. There are so many distractions -– our phones, a text message comes in, emails arrive which must be answered….

Turn everything off as you block out some time to WRITE…and notice how much you accomplish.

Reward yourself.

If you are successful in meeting your goal on a particular day, give yourself a reward. Take a walk, call a friend, go out to lunch….

DO YOU have any tips you can add that help you?

If you would like to be added or deleted from my list, please let me know.

Alma Curry Doris Rouse Ken Van Camp Mary Papas Sharon Hillam Greg Smith Jemimah Susie Winfield Diana Pippin Haley K. Lee Byrd Lu Skerdoo Rosa Diaz-Casal Sharon Meyers Nikita Rayne Johnson Paula Thomas Leslie Flemons



Dawn Ulmer
Dancing Elephants Press

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!