**Writers — Say NO to Procrastination

Get Your Words on the Page!

Dawn Ulmer
Dancing Elephants Press


Photo by Midjourney

Ahhhh, procrastination.

I want to write about this today but as I glance around, I have a stack of to-do notes sitting in a pile waiting for me to look at, I need to email my doctor with an agreement to her treatment plan, I should answer the fifty Medium notifications waiting for my attention, I need to …. NO, I tell myself. No, no, and no.

I’m going to write this piece about procrastination!

All of us procrastinate at one time or another. Procrastination, however, becomes a problem when we find ourselves procrastinating over too many things over too long a period. Then procrastination insidiously invades our characters and we paralyze ourselves with our inactivity.

For writers, procrastination is especially crippling. If we have a writing idea float through our brain the first thing in the morning, it is wise to DO SOMETHING with it, even if just to begin a new document, save it, and return to what else should be done.

Eventually, if we don’t act on what we are supposed to be doing, we begin to notice that it is taking more time to EVADE a task than it does to do it.

All of our to-dos begin to pile up. Then we notice ourselves becoming irritable, anxious, and frustrated. We begin to lose our temper and hate ourselves for how we are acting — all because we keep putting off doing something we know we should have done yesterday.

Why Do WE Procrastinate?

We procrastinate for a variety of reasons, some of which may be the following:

  • We’d rather be doing something else.

* We magnify the time it takes to complete a task.

* We feel overwhelmed with too much to do.

* We hope someone else will do the job if we don’t.

* We want to wait until we can do the job more thoroughly and perfectly.

* We don’t feel like doing it.

* We don’t know where to begin and sometimes don’t want to admit to ourselves that we don’t know where to begin.

* We over-commit ourselves.

* We fear failure.

If truth be told, sometimes we just don’t want to do the job.

Do you know why YOU procrastinate?

When we determine WHY we procrastinate on a chore, job, or project, then we can begin to deal with the problem.

If you know you should do something, the solution to any procrastination problem is:


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✍ — Published by Dr. Gabriella Korosi, at Dancing Elephant Press. Click here for submission guidelines.



Dawn Ulmer
Dancing Elephants Press

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!