AI vs HI

Writing Prompt: Does AI Art look like Masterpieces of Famous or Popular Artists?

I admit that some AI art models were trained in the art of popular artists

Warren Brown
Dancing Elephants Press
6 min readJan 14, 2024


AI-generated image of the Writer

At the beginning of this craze for A.I. art generation, several programs used the art of popular artists to train their art generators. It had reached a point where the original art created by comic book artists was being reproduced by A.I. art generators.

It is now possible to create art in the styles of popular artists. However, it is not the same, as the art produced by real, living, and breathing artists. There are so many art generators on the web today, and one seems to be better than the last one. A few of the A.I. art generators that I use are Night Cafe and Leonardo. AI.

AI image generated by the writer with an AI art generator

I started by trying to create various AI compositions, by simply writing prompts, and asking the generator to create works of art for me. In most cases, the art generated was imperfect. I later learned that it was possible, to request the AI art generator not to create imperfections in the art, with the help of negative prompts, like “do not add wings, do…

