You Can Change The World, Devotee

Poetic Pathways to Transformation

Dancing Elephants Press


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All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!

Before we begin exploring the verses that will follow, I’d like to take a moment to provide some context. I’ve been deeply inspired by S.B. Keshava Swami Maharaj ji’s teachings and radiance and felt compelled to express my gratitude through the art of poetry.

As we journey through these lines, I hope to capture the timeless truths and universal love that Maharaj Ji embodies. May my words serve as a tribute to his legacy, and an invitation to embrace the light within us all.

Inspired by the teachings of Maharaj Ji,
I’ve poured my heart into these lines
May they kindle within you too
the flame of love divine

Seeds of change in hearts take root,
Blooming deeds, both bold and sweet.
Live the values you hold devotee,
Whispers turn to actions, loud and overflowed purity.
Ripples form where kindness flows,
Touching lives in gentle throes.
Global waves from choices made,
Start within, a light unafraid.
(Be the change you want to see, starting with yourself)

A single seed, though small and frail,
Holds future forests in its veil.
Don’t seek applause or fleeting praise,
But plant the best in countless ways.
With purpose deep and vision clear,
Nurture what’s right, year after year.
Though shadows fall, and storms may brew,
Your gentle acts will see them through.
(Hook beyond immediate praise, plant good for a flourishing future)

Sunlight’s glare, starlight’s dim,
Seek balance, let wisdom brim.
Facts may crowd, leave hearts unseen,
Seek depths where truth’s serene.
Open mind, with light imbued,
Finds the clearest sight, in gratitude.
So hold the flame, devotee of might,
In absence, love burns ever bright.
(Knowledge alone doesn’t bring understanding, seek balance for true insight)

Breathe deep, dear devotee, let wisdom’s song take flight,
Not just in words, but woven in life’s light.
Open your heart, let stories fill the space,
And find new depths in every time and place.
(Live wisdom, don’t just memorize it)

Stillness beckons, whispers deep,
Beyond the dreams you long to keep.
Let go, and breathe, and simply be,
True wealth lies in serenity.
So close your eyes, dear devotee,
And breathe the peace eternally.
Let go of longing, grasp, and strife,
And find your solace, deep in life.
(Inner peace is a greater treasure than any dream)

In hushed chambers of the heart, where shadows softly fall,
An ember simmers, yearning’s call. Not for solace, not for rest,
But for a love both tested, blessed.
For distance, like a sculptor’s hand,
Can chip away the inessential sand,
Reveal the form, divine & stark,
A love unveiled, etched in the dark.
(Distance can deepen connections by intensifying what matters most)

Not in scripted words, but whispers of the breeze,
Seek wisdom’s touch in rustling leaves.
Let spirit flow, a crystal stream unseen,
Reflecting truth in moments evergreen.
No need for pomp, no grand facade to wear,
Truth faith unfolds in silent, heartfelt prayer.
Devotee, within your soul the answers lie,
Where inspiration’s spark can never die.
(A deep spiritual life is guided by inner wisdom and connection, not external appearances)

The guide departs, a sun-kissed door swings wide,
Its golden frame paints pathways yet untied.
Though shadows dance, and tears may briefly fall,
Remember, devotee, their love lights onward calls.
Step forth, brave heart, on wings of trust take flight,
Each open door unfolds with inner light.
Their spirit whispers on the boundless breeze,
“Though unseen, beloved, meet me with the trees”
(Letting go of a teacher can be the start of a deeper spiritual journey)

Like sunlight paints the morning dew,
Spread kindness, watch your spirit bloom anew.
And though the world may seem unfurled,
Know, devotee, you change the world.

© Tamanna_Verma 2023

~Inspired by the teachings of S.B. Keshava Swami Maharaj ji~

Svayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami Maharaj

Svayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami, also known as S.B. Keshava Swami, is a spiritual leader, educator, and author who has dedicated his life to sharing ancient wisdom with the modern world.

After completing his BSc in Information Management at University College London in 2002, he chose to live a monastic life to deepen his spiritual understanding and share his knowledge with others.

So heed the call
and walk the path of light
For as Rumi said, ‘The wound is the place where the light enters you’
And may this poem be a catalyst for your inner sight

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✍🏽 — Published by LIN at Dancing Elephants Press. Click here for submission guidelines. 🪄



Dancing Elephants Press

Poetic Dreamer | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom & transcendence, here to learn & grow with words | 2^4+1