
Teaching Teens to Dance Was Not in My Wheelhouse — Until It Was

I wouldn’t have traded the experience for anything and so glad I took on the challenge

Vera-Marie Landi
Dancing My Way Through Life
7 min readDec 31, 2023


Photo by Ardian Lumi on Unsplash

Teaching adults to ballroom dance was challenging enough. I had no intention of teaching children or young adults, ever, as the types of dances I taught didn’t seem to interest them, anyway.

Teaching in general

There were many reasons why people chose to take dance classes, and very often found they didn’t care for it once they started.

And then there were those who came to classes regularly, attended socials and parties, and progressed through the beginner level to more advanced levels.

During those years, I’d seen many circumstances on the dance floor that were funny, embarrassing, and even dangerous. Especially with beginner dancers as they conquer their fears, but even seasoned dancers have clothing malfunctions, and worst of all, fall!

So I tell them, if your partner falls — from tripping or being stepped on or whatever — instead of trying to catch them, hit the floor with them. The exception being, of course, if it’s a medical emergency or the person has passed out.



Vera-Marie Landi
Dancing My Way Through Life

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and working on 3 pubs: 'Dancing My Way Through Life,' 'Digging Up Bones,' and 'Women Who Use Tools.'