Not Mad about Madness

Samantha Longton
Dancing with 312
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2017

I don’t really know much about basketball. Who am I kidding? I know nothing about basketball.

The first thing I did when I received the email from Professor Moritz to create a bracket was call in my older brother, John, to have him help me make some sense of the games.

I showed him what I had drafted, he laughed. Not just a normal take in one breath and let out a small chuckle, it was more of a three minute long cackle.

“Samantha, what are you doing?” John said. “You have a 12 seeded team in final four.”

After listening to him chortle on the phone for at least another five minutes, I hung up.

Back to the drawing board.

At first, I only selected teams that I have heard of. It didn’t matter to me if they were good things or bad things, I had at least heard of them.

To be honest, I probably could have done it better blindfolded.

It took me 13 minutes to post my final bracket. Seven of which I was blankly staring at my bracket wondering to myself “what am I doing?”

I called John with the remaining six minutes to run my bracket by him one last time.

He gave me the go ahead. I clicked submit and sealed the deal, or at the time, sealed my fate.

After the first round, I was tied for second place. To be completely honest, I thought I’d be out the first round. I have never watched an entire collegiate basketball game before so I was going into this in the dark.

After the round of 32, my bracket titled “what am I doing?” secured the first place slot in the classroom tournament.


John told me not to let it boost my ego too much becasue we still have a long way to go.

I have high hopes for the Sweet 16. I’m paying most attention to my final two teams, Kansas and West Virginia.

I’m hoping my bracket stays hot throughout the tournament, not because I want to win, but because I think it would be hilarous if a bracket titled “what am I doing?” took the win in a sports journalism class.

Only time will tell, until then, I still don’t know what I’m doing.

Screenshot of group standings



Samantha Longton
Dancing with 312

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