The Creation of the Food Bracket

Anthony Dolce
Dancing with 312
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2017

It’s been referenced by a few other classmates in these posts. It’s been a hot topic of discussion among several SUNY Oswego broadcasters, journalists, and a professor over the past couple weeks.

With March Madness comes the Food Bracket.

The Food Bracket is something I started on a whim two years ago. It was nothing more than an impulse. There was no thought put into selections, no live stream, just done in my room with a few friends.

How things have changed.

It’s amazing that it’s kind of become a spectacle of sorts. I don’t think I’m some next level genius for coming up with this idea, but I love that it’s caught on how it has, and has sort of become a big thing.

It’s fun. The world needs more fun.

We’ve expanded the field to the full March Madness size. Last year we did 32 different foods. I don’t even remember where we started.

Now, there’s a fair amount of thought put into it. There was a live stream of the selection show, and there will be a live stream of the voting process. It has it’s own Twitter, @FoodBracketOZ.

We have to decide the play-in games first.

There was a decent amount of work put into this year’s bracket, and although me and most of the Food Bracket Committee are graduating in May, this is something I know we’ll continue to do well after graduation.

It spawns from a love of brackets to a love of food. But who doesn’t love food?

The only question is: Which food do you love the most?



Anthony Dolce
Dancing with 312

SUNY Oswego ’17. BRC Major, THT minor, PxP for Oswego Men’s Hockey. A Swiss-Army Knife of Talent, Modesty, and Sarcasm. Team Instinct.