Welcome to the jungle newbie!

Daneel Assistant
Daneel Academy
Published in
6 min readDec 10, 2018

When you look at the Crypto market, do you feel like someone who’s travelling for the first time and can’t find the boarder gate at an international airport? We understand you and we’ve been there too! That’s why we have decided to create a personal assistant who will not show you the way to your gate at the airport only, but will help you in your first steps into the wonderful world of cryptocurrencies.

As one Joseph Bedminster said:

“Understanding and following Blockchain and Cryptocurrency news is painful and time-consuming, that is why we created Daneel: an Artificial Intelligence able to provide you fast and reliable information by simply asking it!”

With this overview of the features that make up Daneel as well as how to make the most of its functionality, you will find that this platform will not only act as a welcomed compliment to your crypto activity; but in-fact hit the ground running with a tangible impact on the trades you make.

Yup, I’m a newbie. Who or what is Daneel?

Think of it this way: imagine being able to interpret and make sense of all sources of available data on the crypto market objectively on a continual basis, and then use this data to provide insights on a cryptocurrency of your choosing.

This is effectively what Daneel does, but takes this concept to a new level:

Daneel not only presents this data in real-time for you as a research to interpret and then make your own evaluation — Daneel is actually analysing this data to help you in your decision making. He is gathering and treating millions of entries from social networks, specialized medias and data aggregators on a daily basis.

Think of ‘Siri’ or ‘Cortana’, as a functionally-accurate assistant that is continually updated by real-time market and social data transposed to the world of cryptos.

Okay, give me Daneel. But how easy is it to use?

So, you have entered the crypto jungle and you may be considered Daneel as the tool to course-correct your journey. But, just as it is wise to understand the structure and layout of a map before navigating a dim-lit jungle, understanding of how Daneel works before beginning means making the most of its rich features.

But then comes a surprise: where making the most of other technology platforms may depend on learning specific commands and customising certain features, Daneel is designed to remove this learning curve: all data can be a simple request away.

You first will have to learn the basics grammar such as Blockchain, Mining, Fork and more. Just ask Daneel and he will bring you definitions, tutorials, videos etc. You don’t want to miss the best ICO projects of the week? Daneel is here to inform you daily, just ask him the best project of the moment!

To illustrate this, take a look at how a conversation may start with the examples below:

Providing solutions where past assistants left users behind

On the one hand, the need for an emotion-centric platform may be recognised by other providers, but how effective have these technologies been to bring this concept to the market?

When an ideal platform with even a glimmer of artificial intelligence comes to mind, many previous providers have attempted to use ‘bots’ as the solution. Unlike the imagined ideal of a dedicated personal assistant with direct access to multiple methods of verification, the forms of indicators visible to ‘bots’ are limited at best. On the one hand, although some platforms have attempted to scan basic indicators across social platforms such as Telegram and Facebook messenger, this still leaves the user with basic information on ICO launches that — with the exception of time– may still have no advantage over manual research.

Capturing accuracy data, but also market emotion

Furthermore, just where users may expect an improvement to compensate for limited functionality, user interface and experience only echo the lack of intelligence behind the platform: from relying on simple pre-defined commands to only recognising key words, this is akin to comparing Siri to dictation software on windows 95; concept is one thing, but achieving the imagined outcome is another.

Ultimately, we all know it to be true: in the crypto-universe, research is swapped for rumour, and statistics can be swapped for speculation. Mood and sentiment are what drive cryptocurrency purchases, and a concoction of high-growth and volatility means that this approach is here to stay.

However, while many of these rumours and may at time match the reality of how a token is performing, the drive to attract token buyers all-too often creates misinformation behind the hype: this calls for an understanding of where the rhythm of online media may be a short-cut to harnessing an opportunity — or instead a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The answer? We need tools and approaches that not only see informal online social channels as a compliment, but actually harness them to reveal the opportunities best suited for each crypto investor.

How can Daneel help us on this?

That being said, let’s see how Daneel can help optimize our crypto journey:

Daneel is able to provide a newsfeed that gives you the best of the news thanks to a meticulous scan of each article to avoid fake news and rumors. This newsfeed can also be filtered by crypto. Each news is analyzed and Daneel calculates a reliability score and announces the feeling (positive or negative) of an article.

Daneel gives you the feeling and emotion of the market either globally or by cryptocurrency. The insights tab will give you graphs to visualize these parameters over time.

Market trends are also within his grasp, a point cloud will show you the most popular keywords of the day. He is analysing millions of data to calculate a score for each currency. which represent the health of the crypto.

Of course, you can chat with Daneel and ask him any questions you want, whether for market information or education. You can even ask him to tell you a special crypto joke! In addition to the chat, a search engine is also available on the dashboard to facilitate the search for information.

Learning modules according to your level will appear at the top of your dashboard as well as quick action buttons to have for example the top 5 ICO projects of the moment.

In terms of market information, Daneel can provide you with information on: prices, volumes, basic information about the various crypto projects in addition to a rating and the best prices on exchanges to buy them, next events related to a crypto in order to follow its evolution, biggest gainers/loosers and the project of the week to keep your curiosity active.

And now, stop talking and try :-)

