Almost 6 months after product release: It is time to look back!

Daneel Assistant
Daneel Corporate
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2019

Where are we since Daneel’s release on December 1st? Let’s look at the brief summary of the latest major news since the launch:

On December 1st we released Daneel mobile app on the Android Store, and iOS quickly followed. Daneel has evolved a lot since that time. Those of you who kept up with the updates already know how. For those of you who don’t have that much free time on hand, you will be able to find a sum up of the past changes in this article. We are personally proud that we have managed to pass from the alpha mockup to the UI we know today with increasingly more features:

We shared with you our business model, which has since evolved. We have divided our offer between B2C and B2B. We were able to begin marketing through our application, and through our user base, we promoted several projects such as Bankera, Blackmoon, LumiWallet and Jarvis. The fee structure was published after that. Following this, DAN payment has been implemented and is available on Android and on the website for iOS users (Apple does not yet accept crypto payments).

B2B partners: big fish yet to come!

From the B2B side, we have already announced several business partners including:

Focusing on the B2B side, we have already announced several business partners including:

  • BPCE: the big French banking group uses our AI for the technology monitoring.
  • NapoleonX: the platform now displays a filtered newsfeed to optimize traders’ valuable time.
  • Bit4You: the market sentiment is available for each cryptocurrency of the platform, allowing users to have a unique indicator compared to other exchanges.
  • Blackmoon: we launched the first ETx based on the top 10 cryptocurrencies with the highest market sentiment score according to Daneel. The index is available on the Blackmoon platform and attracts many investors.
  • Cryptohopper: The Daneel Market Sentiment indicator will be available in their marketplace and will delight traders eager for new types of indicators.

Many business partners are still yet to come. As you might know, the integration of our API can take some time. That doesn’t mean that we are not working on acquiring new partners. We suggest you stay tuned, because there is good news already on the way. Just a hint, we have a big fish to announce!

B2C: What do the numbers say?

After 5 months on the stores, we currently have a total of 5.8k B2C users, 1000 of whom are active every week. Here is a graph of the active users per month:

The March peak correlates with the beginning of our marketing campaign, which had to be slowed down during the month of April due to budget allocation. The campaign will start again in May.

We can also see that our retention rate hovers around the number 0.5. That means that about 1 in 2 users continue using the application the following month, which for us is a good result. This rate is even more important on iOS, which is slightly delayed due to the longer deployment time on the Apple Store.

What does it look like in terms of payments in DAN?

Despite the high demand for DAN payments via our community, we have so far only recorded very few DAN payments. We will therefore instead focus on B2B to facilitate DAN payments with higher recurrence and amounts. In addition, we plan to launch the pro web version in the coming weeks. The customer base of this platform is more likely to pay their subscription in DAN given their ease in handling cryptocurrencies.

Some of you have already seen some screenshots, yet for those of you who didn’t keep up, here is what the pro version will look like:

As you know, we are still waiting for seed funding to hire staff and promote Daneel on a larger scale. Investors are well represented and have expressed their interest. To gain their trust, we still need to provide them with more user data, which is why we need to maintain our good results and growth of support.

