Standing on the shoulders of giants: IBM has updated our “BusinessPartner” status

Daneel Assistant
Daneel Corporate
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2018

The future of Daneel is looking bright. We’re passionate, we’re excited, and we’re brimming with ideas on how to evolve Daneel into an even more useful service. One of our great steps forward comes from the backing of IBM’s Watson, which completely changes the page we’re on here.

This is a world of big data, where analysis and interpretation is so important. AI is at the core of this, and that’s why this news is a big deal. Here’s why we’re standing on the shoulders of giants, and why we are proud of that.

You were many to ask us, and now, IBM updated our status on their website:

Fabien Ducoudray — Strategic Director

“When the Daneel project was launched, IBM established itself as the ideal partner both for its technologies and for the support needed for a project as large as Daneel. Many people questioned this partnership thinking that an ICO project could not be a partner of a giant. Nevertheless, we are pleased to announce today that we are officially posted on the IBM Partnerworld website. This is a very big step forward for us because it means that Daneel has been reviewed and validated by IBM and the product is now available for sale to everyone without any problems.”

Big data means big applications

Big data is one thing, but this only goes as far as we can digest it. For example, there are multiple platforms and computer-based projects that amass enormous quantities of data year-on-year, but it is how we extract implications from this data that makes all the difference.

By extension, this also means that any AI-based system — however smart its process of digesting this data — is only truly as effective as the data it has can refer to: where one AI system may theoretically excel in how accurately it interprets patterns, a less sophisticated alternative with more data to access simply has more case studies to run through; it is a data game and firms such as IBM have recognised this for a long time.

However, despite this awareness of long-established firms and the importance of building on this history of rich data — this data needs to be interpreted intelligently across multiple vectors for AI to truly work. Consequently, in founding Daneel, this combination of a large data history and cutting-edge intelligence led IBM Watson to be the natural choice.

A refined platform on a refined AI foundation

Just as a cutting-edge train rides on the infrastructure enabled through years of past innovation, we quickly realized where our unique features needed to excel: our methodology for interpreting complex social data and news needed a ‘’foundation’’ to run on smoothly, and we needed a partner that could integrate into a platform designed for a cryptocurrency ecosystem.

If our methodology was the neocortex, then IBM watson needed to be the limbic system: rock-solid, tried and tested; our innovations would only be wasted if our choice of an AI partner was already on shaky ground.

That’s why using Watson behind the scenes allows Daneel to handle the news in an optimal way by highlighting the most reliable articles according to the user’s profile while avoiding fake news thanks to a constantly updated detection system. Bringing out the subjective information in a text is not an easy task, once again we needed a system powerful enough to be able to “algorythmize” it. As a result, Watson allows us to improve the market sentiment and emotion score. It will also eventually make it possible to propose a scoring on the risk related to certain projects.

Stay tuned:


