5 Lessons From The Past Week: An Exercise in Gaming Content

Dan Gheesling
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2019

Today, I decided to compile five things I’ve learned over the past week in the hopes of providing some value to your day to day life.

1. Creativity Takes Time

Over the past few months, I have been working with a very talented graphic designer and friend of mine, Jay, more commonly known as Wolvesatmydoor, on a rebrand for the channel.

What I’ve learned is that when it comes to creative jobs and things that need to be highly polished like that, it always takes longer than you expect.

That’s perfectly ok though. You just need to be patient and look at it long-term. When it is something big like a rebrand, you don’t want to cut corners. Instead, take the time that is needed and get it done right.

My interview with Wolvesatmydoor on becoming a successful Twitch streamer and designer

2. Sleep is Gold

Sleep is very important, much more important than I have been treating it in the past.

Every week, I am a part of Team Unity Tuesday where a group of friends and I all stream and play together. Although it is a lot of fun, it also almost always runs late.

As a result, I end up going to bed much later than I should and wake up tired the next day, causing me to be a lot less productive. In addition, I end up spending the rest of the week trying to catch up on sleep.

For the future, I need to make an extra effort to end Team Unity at a good time so that I can stay on top of it for the rest of the week. If I do that, my quality of life will improve, and I’ll be able to get more done.

Team Unity’s latest adventure in Minecraft

3. Two Is Better Than One

Another thing I’ve learned from the past week is that I create better content when it is with other people. Looking back on the past week, I have realized that what I often get the most positive feedback for is collaborations with others, such as my interview with Edmund McMillen.

Although it is obviously not viable for everything I create to be a collaboration, this thought has encouraged me to get better at creating solo content while also seeking out more collaborative opportunities for the future in everything that I do.

When trying to create collaborative opportunities, all it really comes down to is organization and outreach. In addition, you can’t be afraid to try something new. If you do these things and listen to feedback, opportunities will come your way.

Interview with game designer Edmund McMillen

4. Something is Better Than Nothing

When it comes to social media, what I have learned is that something is better than nothing. Over the past week, I spent less time worrying about what I post and instead have just been posting whenever something comes to mind.

Activity on social media is essential for distribution. As a result, I have been trying to post more this past week and always choosing to do something instead of nothing.

5. A Little Planning Goes a Long Way

The final thing I learned this week is that the days I plan out the night before are much more productive than the ones I don’t. Just spending a little bit of time each night removes a lot of the distractions of figuring out what I have to do the next day.

Removing these distractions allow me to dial in and get stuff done during the day instead of running from one fire to the next. Also, having things planned out is a lot more sustainable and effective for me in the long-term.

When it comes down to it, planning out my day is just a little bit of work that can provide some great all-around benefits.

You can listen to this episode of the podcast here, on iTunes, on Spotify, or on YouTube.

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