A Big Day For Tarkov: Interview With Pestily

Mini interview with Content Creator Pestily

Dan Gheesling
2 min readJan 5, 2020


Pestily, or Paul, has been my friend for a while now. If you’re unfamiliar with him, he streams on Twitch, posts on YouTube, and more.

Pestily at PAX AUS 2019.

While we were playing Tarkov, I did a mini-interview with him that lasted the duration of a raid on his 18.5 hour of streaming.

Which is nothing compared to his longest stream which lasted 42 hours.

He recently hit 50,000 viewers on his stream which is a huge deal! To put it in perspective, about 3,000 viewers is normal for him after about an hour. Pestily hit 10,000 without a host but channels began to host him and the viewers came rolling in. It got to the point where he began calling family members as he hit goals. 20,000 viewers and he calls his Grandma, 22,5000 viewers and he calls his sister, and so on.

Pestily and his Grandma.

At the 20,000 viewer mark, viewers actually started to tell him to run ads because they knew how huge this was for him. What an awesome community. He tells me it was about $400 to run an ad and he was running about two an hour. Pestily even asked his wife if they could celebrate her birthday on another day because this could set them up really well financially. And she agreed!

I know how much work and effort he puts into his Tarkov streams so to see him hit these numbers made me really, really proud of him. It made me super excited for Tarkov and Pestily because he was on the front of the Twitch page too. The guy has worked his face off and provides a lot of value to his viewers. Super excited for him!

Check out my longer, in-depth interview with Pestily on YouTube or online. Be sure to check out more episodes of my podcast on iTunes and Spotify.

My mini interview with Pestily.

