3 Card Marty Lore Sets

Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2023

With the rollout of the 3 Card Marty game, much of the past rampant speculation has been proven true! Those little icons in the bottom-right of the cards refer to the card’s “class,” and similar character, land, and relic card artworks constitute a “lore set.”

Left to Right: Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength class symbols

It turns out there are 3 important mechanics to the game: a card’s rarity or “frame,” it’s “class,” and it’s “lore.” Matching these aspects between all 3 of the cards in your deck provides bonuses of +5, +5, and +10 to your overall rolls respectively. Naturally, as the lore bonus is the largest of these, it’s the one people want to make sure they’re able to get, but with so many cards across (as of the writing of this article) 5 series releases, it can be challenging to know what cards all go together, especially with older cards not being initially designed with a playable game in mind.

Fortunately, when creating your deck, once you’ve selected your character, land, or relic, you will see filtered results under the others showing you any matching lore cards you own.

Once the “Dan Skin” was selected, the lore-matching land and relic are filtered to the top of the Land and Relic choices, and marked as such

However, what if you don’t have copies of every card, how should you know what cards go together? That’s why a reference sheet was put together, outlining all of the Character, Land, and Relic combinations that can go together to activate the coveted +10 lore bonus during a match.

As can be seen, Series 3 and 4 are fairly straightforward, with well-defined characters, lands, and relics that pair together in sets.

As of the writing of this article, all S3 and S4 cards fit together in 1-to-1 lore sets as such, though inclusion of special airdrop and tierdrop cards may change this in the future

Series 2 and 2.5 (RvB) are a little more complex, with the “alternate versions” of cards between the series’ working in tandem with each other (and a couple working with their S1 counterparts shown further below).

Lore sets of S2 and S2.5 cards, note how any of the character, land, and relic options in a single row can be chosen to make a valid lore set, regardless if they’re from the same series or not

It’s unknown currently if the S3 “alternate version” cards, such as Dripped Dan Skin or Limewire Inked, will behave as their own lore sets or alternate choices for the standard lore sets, but once they’re made playable they will be added to the reference sheet.

Series 1 is where things get wild. S1 didn’t have any land cards, so they’re all borrowed from S2 and S2.5, fortunately many of them fit quite well thematically. The biggest issue was the lack of relics, and so a completely new batch of S1-stylized relics was added in S4 for each character.

Series 1 lore sets, including some characters and relics from S2 and S2.5, as well as the S1 relics added in S4

There are also some leftover cards which don’t fit into lore sets, but are playable nonetheless. They’re the S1 “portrait” cards which belong to the “strength” class, as well as 3 S2 and S2.5 relics which, as of the writing of this article, don’t count as any particular class for lore bonus purposes, but can still be played.

The playable cards which don’t fit into full lore sets

As well, there are the S1 “emote” cards which, as of the writing of this article, cannot be played, however they all have str, int, or dex classes associated with them, so perhaps they will be given gameplay purposes in the future, and will be added to the reference sheet at such time.

Once again, for the full up-to-date list of lore bonus sets, please refer to the reference sheet which will be updated to reflect any newly added cards.

