The Best of 3 Card Marty

Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2023

In The Best of 3 Card Marty, we’ll highlight some of the best match ups as submitted by The 596. If you’ve had a crazy match and want to show it off, head on over to the #3-card-marty room in the Dangcord and look for the 3CM Match Submission thread. Please include a link to the match and a quick description as to why the match was so great. Without further ado, here are today’s matches:

The first installment of TB3CM included a match that highlighted the power of the +10 lore bonus. This match between Wbunch_91’s The Responsible Horses and murphmart’s The Eager Skates showcases the power higher rarities have in the game, as the better the rarity, the better the die that rolls in the game. Despite creating a deck that earned the maximum number of bonuses, murphmart couldn’t keep up with Wbunch_91’s rolls, which were aided by the 6 sided die rolled due to their cards being pink. Due to their roll of 3 at the ante step, the victor won the following:

Despite being a blowout, this match is being highlighted as a cautionary tale for all 3 Card Marty enjoyers. This is proof that if you go up against Dan in a match, there’s a good chance he will be using his all rainbow Queen of Piece deck, which is able to use a D20 in addition to the default D20 used for rolls. As FSLGS found out firsthand, two D20s against a D20 and a D4 is a massive mismatch, resulting in a definitive victory for Dan. Luckily for the loser, Dan rolled a one at the ante step, meaning FSLGS didn’t have to send a card to Dan.

The last match was a warning, but this match is being showcased to show that Dan doesn’t always maximize his bonuses, and that it’s possible to take someone’s uber rare card while using an unoptimized deck of inferior quality. platinum_fox17’s The Nurturing Koopas used a pink and two browns to defeat Dan’s The Eager Little Brothers by a slim margin of five points. This was made possible by Dan’s Scarlet Arena being a brown instead of a rainbow to match the other two cards in his deck. Due to this costly error, not only did Dan not get the +5 frame bonus, but he rolled a D4 for the brown rarity, rather than a D20 for a rainbow. After rolling a 5 at the ante step, the victor won this beauty:

We hope you enjoyed today’s installment of The Best of 3 Card Marty! Don’t forget to submit your great matches, and may the dice be in your favor!

