The Best of 3 Card Marty

Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2023

In The Best of 3 Card Marty, we’ll highlight some of the best matchups as submitted by The 596. If you’ve had a crazy match and want to show it off, head on over to the #3-card-marty room in the Dangcord and look for the 3CM Match Submission thread. Please include a link to the match and a quick description as to why the match was so great. Without further ado, here are today’s matches:

Today’s first matchup between Prussiaz’s The Intellectual Stars and gumbyworld’s The Colorful Cupcakes is another example of a deck of commons hanging in there against a deck of superior cards. Prussiaz was probably shaking in their boots when they saw gumbyworld’s golden Picante Plateau flip over, but they were able to keep the matchup close thanks to mediocre rolls for each side. What turned a loss into a draw was the +5 frame bonus for having three green cards. A deck with gold, red, and blue cards benefits from rolling better dice, but sometimes a bonus can help even the odds or even turn the tide of a close match.

In this series’ brief history, most of the highlighted matches have contained decks that maximized bonuses, featured rare cards, or both. This match had its share of rare cards, but the reason it’s being featured is because of how chaotic the decks were. Mintingfish’s The Creative Jellyfish faced off against BartymusFowl’s The Happy Frogs in a showdown of fascinating decks. On one side, Mintingfish employed a Home Alone deck consisting of a brown, rainbow, and a gold. While they did have a lore bonus on their side, they were willing to put up two high value cards without having the benefit of the frame bonus. At a time when the 3CM meta is to maximize bonuses and rarely use uber rare cards, Mintingfish should be commended for using such an unhinged deck. On the other side, BartymusFowl’s deck was seemingly created at random. This two brown and one green beauty had no synergy to speak of, but still put up a fight. Had Mintingfish had some worse luck on their rolls, we could have seen an uber rare change hands. It didn’t work out on this occasion, but sometimes an unoptimized deck can pull off the upset. That’s what gamba is all about! Speaking of gamba, Mintingfish rolled a 1 on the ante step, giving this special match a fitting conclusion.

We hope you enjoyed today’s installment of The Best of 3 Card Marty! Don’t forget to submit your great matches, and may the dice be in your favor!

