Daniel Kalenov | How Investment Managers Can Devise Data

Most businesses are being transmuted by the access and control of data. Technology has surely improved the role data plays in an industry, many individuals know that. However, the vital role that data can play in improving the bottom line is still massively underappreciated says Daniel Kalenov.

The investment supervision business is not diverse. While some might ruminate data organization a secondary importance vs. good investment decisions. The data actually reinforces everything an investment industry does. In fact, robust data management is the core of accurate and trustworthy information. And better information empowers better decision making for both managers as well as clients.

Data has the potential to change the way investment companies do business. Actually, the right data method empowers managers to turn their data substructures into profit centres. Let’s take a look at how:

Investment Manager

History of data

It is important to understand where you are and how you got here. In the beginning, there were databases and data marts. They were good for organizing relevant data but not so good to analyze it.

Data-dependent businesses like monetary services initiated a prevalent graduation from databases to data warehouses, in order to manage says Daniel Kalenov investment manager. When compared with data marts, data warehousing has added some analytic aptitudes but was severely limited in the amount of data it could analyze.

Moreover, the data warehouses require numerous extensions. Plus, the ownership cost for the data warehouses is also very high. Along with this, the creating the new views for users and was very exclusive and sluggish to arrange.

Escalating lines of the industry with innovative products or services that need extra data capabilities was closely impossible because you couldn’t spread existing data models planned for a single purpose. The result was the additional database with an extra set of concerns and detached systems. And reply to this is the digital warehouse.

The new era of data management

The fundamental driver of the digital warehouse is its ingenuousness to users, emphasis Daniel Kalenov. It combines and interrelates with many non-traditional data points like media, documents and private assets, while able to do analysis on data in real time.

It can deliver even better value by including real-time data feeds such as altercation costs, social media movement and cloud-based documents. Digital warehouses also include in-memory non-SQL data access, big data analysis, mashing of numerous retrieval and processing apps together on flexible canvases.

How digital warehousing lead to increased profitability

It starts with combining and handling data in a fashion that delivers a single version of the cohesive truth. This allows investment management companies to make healthier decisions. Better decisions using great information is surely what leads to better investing?

Capitalizing at its foundation is an information and decision-making game, after all. The better investments do, the more assets raise, which in turn upsurges advisory-based charges for the investment manager.

With digital warehousing, asset managers don’t devote needlessly to customization and expend more time capitalizing and interacting with clients. This means both explicit and prospect costs go down.

Wrapping Up

Daniel Kalenov has shared his opinion how important is data for making better investment management. The data has the direct relationship with profits. By using the best obtainable tools, businesses can use the information to build prospects and also save on expenditure.

Originally Posted: https://danielkalenov.wordpress.com/2018/05/11/how-investment-managers-can-devise-data/



Daniel Kalenov (WY) | Fund Manager and Founder
Daniel Kalenov Investment Manager

Daniel Kalenov Investment Manager is the founder and Principal Fund Manager of Global Diversified Partners, LLC.