Why You Should Pay For Investment Services?

Investment services provided to investors come in a numberless of packaging and delivery options. Insurance companies, load mutual fund firms, discount brokerage houses, private money managing firms, insurance corporations, banks etc. persuade investors that they are the best available alternative. Regardless of different packaging options, investment managers provide three major value components including administration, advice, and portfolio management says Daniel Kalenov.

In this article, Daniel has given the sub components within these three broad value components. Continue reading this content help you how to use them to examine which parts of the financial management process are worth paying for.

Investment Services


The administration is one of the components that you cannot do on your own. A registered broker or dealer has access to many equities, fixed income and commodities markets through they can purchase or vend. Due to some reasons, you cannot go directly to these markets yourself.

Actually, this is sub component individuals have to pay for in the form of some fee or commission. Luckily, with the online brokerage firms, the cost associated with trading are minimal emphasis an investment manager. In fact, these costs include trade settlement, validations and other client declarations, all of which are in acquiescence with directed regulations.

Moreover, the year-end reporting for tax purpose is also necessary. And all the firms do not track cost basis for their clients. You can do it by yourself by keeping track with a spreadsheet. While choosing a brokerage firm, try to select one that keeps correct track of your cost basis.

Another administration function that individuals can handle on their own is performance reporting. Actually, accurate reporting is impossible without some sophisticated software that keeps track of all cash flows, Daniel Kalenov investment manager says. If your brokerage firm can do this for you at no additional charge, you are getting a material upsurge in value.

Portfolio Management

Actually, many investors have only a little knowledge regarding security analysis and portfolio management. Usually, investor portfolios are created in a mishmash way over time. Securities are chosen without the advantage of in-depth scrutiny and without appropriate regard as to how they interconnect with one another.

In reality, proper security analysis is necessary to recognize suitable and attractive investments. Hence, you must understand how securities act in concert to form an efficient and effective portfolio. Furthermore, there is a need to understand some of the core principles of modern portfolio theory.


Serving as your own investment manager may be the easiest of the three value components to do yourself. Still, a host of continually fluctuating factors comprising not only investments but also insurance needs, liquidity needs, taxes and other special needs.

Resources for monetary advice are ample. A lot of books, magazines, websites, blogs, and more contain valuable information covering almost every aspect of monetary planning. With some efforts, there is no reason to trust that investors can’t serve sufficiently as their own investment Advisors.

Wrapping Up

If you follow these basic principles given by Daniel Kalenov, there is no reason you won’t prosper. However, you should choose the investment advisor who has demonstrated an assurance of learning and quality. Look for the portfolio manager having proper training and credentials. Hire the brokerage firms that offer a full array of complete investment management services.

Originally Posted: https://danielkalenov.wordpress.com/2018/04/25/why-you-should-pay-for-investment-services/



Daniel Kalenov (WY) | Fund Manager and Founder
Daniel Kalenov Investment Manager

Daniel Kalenov Investment Manager is the founder and Principal Fund Manager of Global Diversified Partners, LLC.