“Be yourself” is kinda bullshit

If I kept being myself I would still be on my couch watching TV.

Daniele Vian
2 min readAug 9, 2018


Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider on Unsplash

I mean, I’m an undecisive slacker.

Should I keep on not deciding jack? Not taking any action because, well, that’s the way I roll?

“This is who I am” is bullshit.

“Be better”: that’s a sentence I like.

There’s action. A plan.

It lacks direction, but you know how I think: if we don’t take the wrong directions, we won’t find the right ones. Ever.

If you don’t know which way to go, it’s time to start walking.

But here’s the best advice I was given:

“Destroy yourself”

That’s something. It’s powerful, creative, liberating. It opens up possibilities.

Sometimes looking at our future through the lens of who we are now can be crippling. We might feel so discouraged we might stop right on our tracks. Because from here to there, there’s a void: there’s always going to be something we don’t know or have.

“I can’t do it”, “I’m not like that”, “I don’t have what it takes”, “I don’t have the right character”.

Obstacles that become excuses.

Or maybe, I can learn?

Can I change and become who I want to be?

Self awareness is always key. But it’s one thing to know your strenght and build upon them, and another to look at your weaknesses like they’re an excuse.

It’s hard to get going. But we can change. And it stems from forgetting what’s locking us down now, all our limiting beliefs.

We can learn to be someone we’re not right now. Somebody we aspire to be.

Someone we’re proud of.

Of course it might end with a failure. Of course.

But what if it doesn’t?

