I’m going to fail

Why low expectations are killing you

Daniele Vian
2 min readSep 7, 2018


Photo by Lauren Peng on Unsplash

There’s a theory that says that you should keep your expectations low. Prepare for the worst. After all:

happiness = expectations / reality


So, given that reality likes to suck, if I keep my expectations low I’ll end up happy. Statistically speaking.

I mean, if something goes wrong, well: I knew it. At least I got that right.

On the other hand, if it goes well: double win! Not only I’ll have my desired outcome, but I’ll also be the guy that overcomes difficulties. The underdog who triumphs. My hero’s journey.

That’s bullshit.

Imagine that time you fell in love.

You were perfectly aware that your loved one could leave you in a blink.

If you were certain that your loved one would love you back forever and no matter what, how do you think your emotions would change?

And it was that knowledge that made love so powerful. The fact that you were open to being hurt. That you were vulnerable. And the fact that not only you accepted it: you embraced it!

If you lived in anxiety over being left you could never be fully happy. You wouldn’t be “protecting yourself”. You’d just anticipate misery.

Vulnerability is not a liability.

Vulnerability is not a weakness. It’s the gateway to a fuller, fulfilled life. It’s the sign that what you’re doing matters.

It’s the unknown road, the choice we make, the ability to project positivity.

We know things could go wrong. But now they aren’t.

As I read somewhere:

“One day we’re all gonna die. But the other days we won’t!”

