Living Into Your True Message, And What This Means For Your Business

Danique Motzheim
Danique Motzheim
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2024


How do you truly know when you’re living your authentic message as an impact-driven business owner?

It’s a question I often hear, and if you ask a seasoned life and business coach, they’ll likely tell you, “You will know.”

It might sound a bit mysterious and even a bit frustrating, but it holds the truth.

If you wake up excited about each day, find satisfaction in your work, and feel genuinely alive, you’re living your purpose. On the flip side, if you dread waking up, constantly procrastinate or avoid tasks, and feel weighed down by your responsibilities, you’re likely off course.

My journey to building a Tech start-up spanned a decade, filled with ups, downs, and a lot of personal development. Behind building the business and technical skills were 9 to 10 years of hard work to become who I am today.

I became obsessed with helping people, my clients achieved remarkable results, and their businesses thrived on a foundation of authenticity.

Please note that despite what people will tell or try to sell you, there are no actual “steps” or concrete, proven strategies to making money that you can follow, and then “Bingo!” a magical result… You need to be great at what you do, show up with integrity, and love what you do. You need to be in the process, build your skill set while building the brand, hold your intention, fail fast, and stand up. Over and over again.

People often ask me if I’m intentionally building a legacy in my business. To me, it’s about the lasting impact I nurture. As an impact tech founder, it’s not about you; it’s about your clients. A legacy is an evolving, organic entity with a ripple effect and continual growth.

Concerning work/life balance, if you’re living your purpose, the lines blur. Your life and business become your passion. Why would you want to escape from that? I’m not suggesting working until burnout, but if you’re aligned with your true purpose, the work is enjoyable, stimulating, and makes sense.

Recognizing your true purpose is the “ah-ha moment” where you just know it’s you. For your business, this means:

- Your integrity, enthusiasm, and passion shine through.

- Trusting your intuition pays off.

- Taking bold, aligned action brings results.

The beauty of a tech company is the freedom to grow in various directions. However, at its core, your personal brand should reflect your integrity and energetic signature.

Remember, living your true message means enabling your clients, not fixing them. The magic happens when you embrace your role as an enabler.



Danique Motzheim
Danique Motzheim

Danique Motzheim CEO and Tech Founder of the Global ondemand Beauty and well-being platform BYOU. Author of The Global Thought Leader Mindset Book.