Dank Memer Mid-2020 News

Dank Memer
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2020

Hey all, Melmsie here. In case you don’t know me, I’m the owner of Dank Memer. This article will contain 3 parts: charitable giving updates, development updates, and current bot stats.

Part One — Charitable Giving

One of my passions has always been charitable giving, and this year your support within the bot has enabled me to start doing that on a much larger scale, which I feel is my duty, especially in these dark times.

Charity this month

For the Month of June, I devoted half our lootbox sales to the #BlackLivesMatter cause. We sold about $19,300 in lootboxes this month, which means (after a bit of rounding) we racked up a massive $10,000 donation to Black Lives Matter.

Paid today, June 30th.

I couldn’t stop there either. As some of you know, I have a special place in my heart for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. When there was a charity drive for them a few weeks back, I decided we’d be donating to them as well. I didn’t set any particular amount on this, I just helped streamers reach their milestones for their charity blocks. Over the course of two days of charity blocks, we ended up donating $10,170 to them as well.

Our donation logs to St. Jude.

This year so far

This isn’t the first month we’ve donated money, we’ve done it a few times. Across multiple charities, so far this year we’ve donated $26,709. That’s CRAZY! None of this would have been possible without free users and paying users alike, and I could NOT be more grateful for you all.

Next Month’s Charity

Due to COVID-19, a lot of people are still without jobs or stable income. While there are some charities that deal with this directly, we want to skip paying for the admin fees and directly give money to people in need this month if we can. Rather than one big donation at the end of the month, all through the month we’re going to be finding people who are times of need and helping them out. Paying rent, buying groceries, etc.

I’m not currently sure the best way to go about this yet. On one hand, gofundme exists, but it is nearly impossible to search on their site for people who aren’t “trending”. We’ll figure that out as we go, and there is no goal or limit on what we’re giving this month, just as much as we can afford and as much as people need. If you know someone who is in need, please send either myself (link) or the bot account (link) a DM or tweet on twitter and we’ll look into it.

Part Two — Development Update

This month has been one of our slower months in bot updates, but for good reason!

We’re currently working on a complete (mostly backend) rewrite of the bot. This will fix/lessen almost all of the bugs and stability issues we currently face. In addition, our new code-base is made to help us quickly and effectively develop new systems for the things you love, things we’ve been telling you for years aren’t possible? Might be possible after this. (more than one pet anyone, customization filled profile cards, web dashboard, status page, WORKING EVENTS????)

Due to this, we’re doing (basically) the bare minimum on the current code base. Because anything we write now, is going to have to be rewritten shortly, and that’s not a great way to be using our time.

There will likely be a few more tiny content updates over the next few weeks, but we’re really kicking the rewrite into gear right now, which takes up most of our time and resources. We’re aiming to have it done by September if all goes well, no promises yet though.

Don’t worry, good things are coming soon :)

Part Three — Fun Stats!

I’m a sucker for data, some of this is important data, some of it means literally nothing. Enjoy.

Our Discord Server

We hit a cool milestone on our Discord server this month: 250,000 members! Normally this is the cap for servers, but we were able to get our cap raised to 350k, thank god! We’re currently at 270k members, and growing by about 2k per day, so we’ll be at that 350k in no time. Verify us when Discord?

Bot Server Growth

We are looking at about 266k server growth a month right now, which puts us at a cool 3m servers before the end of the year if things don’t change. Our retention sits at a crisp 44%, which is about 2% higher than last year!

Bot Command Usage

Daily, we average anywhere from 170 commands per second to 250 commands per second. That fluctuates wildly depending on what day of the week it is, with us usually having slower days on Saturday and Sundays.

Items Bought from Shop

This is easier to show in a picture. So this is items bought in the shop over the last week. Not sure if there’s anything surprising here besides maybe how many cookies people are buying. Wonder if people didn’t learn their lessons from bread and are trying to use it for hoarding coins?

Server Capacity

For the bot and it’s micro-services, we currently are renting 8 servers across two hosts, and own 1 server ourselves. In total, we have 733gb of RAM available to us and 358 CPU cores available to us. (Speed of memory and cpu’s vary greatly). Please note, that’s ONLY for Dank Memer, and doesn’t include our 3 servers we also rent for Octave currently.

The end?

And we are at the end of this long blog post. Hopefully you’ve learned something that you didn’t previously know! If you’ve got something to say, don’t be afraid to tweet us at @dankmemerbot on Twitter. See you all later!



Dank Memer

Developer/Owner of the Discord's favorite meme bot