Why are Americans So Afraid of Communism?

Danny Cee


Fresh air.

The beautiful scent of cherry blossoms flooded Charlie’s senses as he took the sights in. His family owned a courtyard, where he loved sitting by the pond and gazing up at the blue sky. In the breeze, there came a faint smell of smoke.

Then it became strong. And that’s when he heard the screams.

His own kin, some even friends from school, had come.

Blam! The front door of their peace, serenity, and joy blasted open violently. Behind the debris and odoriferous vapor of death, they marched in.

Charlie didn’t know what to do. So he ran. He climbed over the wall of his home, and didn’t stop running until he reached the docks of Shanghai, just a mile away. A family friend got him a job cooking for a ship, and they sailed off to Taiwan.

Only his father survived.

But they never met again, because Taiwan and China became cut off politically.

He was just 17. My grandfather, son of a renowned family in Shanghai that was decimated in the name of equality. Books burned. Millions of people slaughtered. All because they were too educated or too wealthy, as deemed by the ‘have-nots’.

But to what end? Is China equal now? Where’s the middle class there?

Making $1000USD per month. That’s where. The middle class in China averages $1000USD per month. The super poor rely entirely on the government, and the super rich just connived their way up until they had stolen the wealth entirely.

I don’t care whether you say “Socialism is different from Communism”. They both ask individuals to relinquish their rights by the threat of death or jail. You either comply and give away your labor, or you are labeled ‘evil’ or ‘uncaring to others’.

The smart ones band together and embezzle money to their hearts content. The honest ones die starving, or rely on the government for scraps handed down.

Today, China is strong as an economy only because capitalism eventually made its way back into the system.

Half my family, along with hundreds of millions of others, died 70 years ago to teach this lesson to the world, and yet people still think Socialism is a viable solution to any country larger than 15 million people with any level of diversity in demographic.

I’m terrified of Socialism. But that doesn’t mean I won’t take up arms to defend this country from it.

My brothers and sisters here in the USA agree with me. If it came down to it again one day, we wouldn’t just let them come murder us. We’d fight.



Danny Cee

============ Political Incorrectness Extraordinaire ============ COO by day, writer by night. Check out my Quora too: https://www.quora.com/profile/Danny-Cee-