Rest in peace, Grandma

Danny Ngan
Danny Ngan
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2017


Grandma at her 80th birthday. A large print of this was buried with her on Thursday, October 19, 2017.

Earlier this week, we laid my Grandma to rest. She was 88 and passed away last week due to advanced-stage cancer. It was an incredibly difficult past few days, both emotionally and physically draining, but being around family and friends today helped all of us mourn her death and celebrate her life.

Grandma was the most happy, caring, and generous person I knew. She constantly put others’ wellbeing before hers and did it with a smile on her face. She always made sure that we were healthy, enjoyed our jobs, and had enough food to eat.

She taught us the importance of working hard, being patient and persistent, and taking care of the people we love. She supported all of her children and grandchildren in everything we did.

She was fiercely independent and self-sufficient. She never wanted anyone to fuss over her, even when her health started failing. When we visited her in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, she was happy to see us and was excited to hear how we were doing. She asked about my new job and if we still enjoyed living in Seattle. She then complained that we were all going through too much trouble to visit her. She gave us red envelopes and told us to go eat.

I miss my Grandma, and I’m glad that I have many wonderful memories and photos of her.

Rest in peace, Ann Kwan.

