How to launch your own Environmental Mitigation Program in DAO IPCI?

DAO IPCI ecosystem participant may choose either to join existing programs as user, issuer, complier or independent entity (under the program operator control) or to launch new program undertaking the functions of the operator for such new program.

Alexey Shadrin
3 min readSep 12, 2017


Any DAO IPCI ecosystem participant may launch new program by:

  • creating DAO Environmental Program
  • accepting MITO - Mitigation Token Policy
  • setting the rules of his new Program
  • bringing in and accepting Issuers, Independent Entities, Compliers and users to perform under the new program.

Step 1. Set the Rules of your Program

The rules you would want to set should specifically describe what your environmental unit would represent: a ton of reduction of air emissions, of effluent, or Megawatt hour of green energy, or other mitigation outcome you can measure and verify. See the sample Program Rules at the section “THE PROGRAMS OPERATING IN DAO IPCI” of the White Paper.

Make the Rules public and communicate with for the Rules to be published at DAO IPCI website.

Step 2. Accept Mitigation Token Policy

To make verified environmental units you issue in DAO IPCI blockchain exchangeable, tradable via DAO IPCI Market you would need a digital currency, specifically designed to work with DAO IPCI protocols, smart-contracts, modules, market. Please read carefully the “Mitigation Token” section of the White Paper and communicate with to confirm that you accept the policy and protocol described therein.

Step 3. Create your Environmental program DAO

Go to DAO IPCI DApp at with your Ethereum wallet (ex. Metamask, Parity) running and select the function of the “Operator” and “Create DAO” in the Menu.

Fill the fields giving the name to your Program, description of the Program, and the name of the Operator.

Submit and if you agree with Ethereum fee for creating DAO core approve the transaction. Make sure you copy the DAO Core address or track it via Etherscan.

Add you program to decentralized application by selecting “Add Program”, inserting your DAO Core address and selecting “Go”.

Now you have your own blockchain-based mitigation program running!

Step 4. Now all you have to do is to bring in :

  • Issuers, who are entitled to the mitigation outcomes (environmental units) you have described in the Rules,
  • Independent entities, who would verify or assure the mitigation outcomes (environmental units),
  • Compliers and Users, who would acquire the environmental units issued to comply or to trade.

Please note that combining the functions of Operator, Issuer, Independent Entity within the same DAO is prohibited by DAO IPCO Basic Terms.

To run your Program refer to the Manual at or ask for assistance at or



Alexey Shadrin

Co-founder DAO IPCI, Founder and CEO Russian Carbon Fund #fintech #blockchain #climatefinance #greenbond #ClimateAction #ethereum #ICO #climate