1. We Have a Dream (Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Junior)

Part 1 of Affidavit of Trust — Blockchain as the Great Equalizer — Social Mining

DAO Labs
DAO Labs
3 min readMar 23, 2022


Banks and financial institutions are largely dysfunctional and rather serve to incapacitate the weaker instead of giving them a chance to step up.

The idea of credit and interest rate as we know is not only dead, it lives as an undead perverted version of its former self. Banks and financial institutions are a thing of the past, with not only their resources, which are supposed to serve as their backbone, securing users funds, being vastly depleted and misappropriated but they are also morally bankrupt. To say it with the words of Dr. King: “We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.”

Ask God to move a mountain, be ready to wake up next to a shovel. This shovel is Social Mining, running on several top 100 projects in blockchain aiming at the betterment of the industry. Fostering a philosophy of equal share with opportunity distributed to people who actually partake in the upbringing and nurturing of companies and products.

We have a dream that one day the Blockchain industry, the technology we all love and believe in, the technology that is and will continue to change the world makes good on the weakest of us. Make the little man thrive. Bitcoin was introduced as a means to even the odds after the housing bubble in the US took a toll of 8 million jobs with 6 million people left homeless living in cars. Small investors lost their houses in the process before the crisis swapped over to the EU recession and from there creating impacts we still feel today globally. Who stood trial, 1 person not even being in the circle of main culprits. The idea of opening a bank with 5 million of own capital and loaning tenfold from central banks at 0.01% is outdated. It served to build up economies after wars and after colonization benefits fell through. FRAPORT, the EU’s biggest airport network but a German company by default, owns 14 airports in Greece alone, controls pensions funds and is able to restructure governance of countries. The shift from bilateralism, i.e. the Cold War, to Unilateralism, the dominance of the US, and finally to Multicorporatism means we replaced one evil with yet another.

The open economy, the way Adam Smith and Locke envisioned, is dead. Replaced by greed of the few companies ruling the world by their ownership

This injustice is incomparable in contrast to the injustice African countries experienced by the hand of colonizers up to this day. Except that some of the countries were replaced by multinational conglomerates such as Nestle etc., who make use of agreements such as the GATT, allowing for up to 95% of countries’ produce to be exported to their former captors. Agriculture in the Western world is not sustainable, subsidies exceed 50%.

Take the CAP, Central Agricultural Policy, taking the largest share of the EU budget to sustain farmers. Take the so-called concept of sustainability, which is admittedly a joke. Take the idea of sustaining the Fishing Industry.

A buzz word used to appease and reassure the people that we are actually trying to save our oceans and our environment in a struggle that bureaucrats cannot win. However technology can and we need to advance in order to sustain.

