1) DAOVERSE Beginner’s Guide: Get Started!

DAO Labs
DAO Labs
Published in
6 min readMar 31, 2022

DAOVERSE Beginner’s Guide is a handbook for all new DAOVERSE Social Mining Platform users. For those who haven’t registered an account on DAOVERSE, please join here: https://community.daolabs.com/.


  • The key to success on DAOVERSE is to accumulate Points & Reputations.
  • Users can earn Points Reputations by 1) completing Tasks, 2) participating in the Twitter Program, and 3) publishing free-style content on the Community Board.

1. What is DAOVERSE?

DAOVERSE is a DAO Labs’ Social Mining V1 platform. (To understand Social Mining V1 in detail, please read Social Mining documentation.)

In its design, DAOVERSE aims to distribute LABOR tokens allocations to worthy users, namely those who contribute outstanding value to the growth of DAOVERSE & DAO Labs’ Social Mining Ecosystem. DAO Labs creates such a merit-based token sale allocation method as Initial Labor Offering (ILO). (To understand ILO, please read DAO Labs Statement.)

LABOR is DAO Labs’ utility token used to govern the Social Mining Ecosystem, allowing holders to access high-yield staking programs initiated by DAO Labs and its strategic partners in the future.

Suppose you are interested in being a part of DAO Labs’ LABOR ILO. In that case, we suggest you join DAOVERSE early on and start contributing value to secure your LABOR allocations.

Your LABOR allocations will be determined by the number of Points and/or Reputations you earned on DAOVERSE. The exact exchange rate formula between Points/Reputations and LABOR will be released in April 2022. (To understand Points & Reputations, please read Social Mining Documentation — Influence, Reputations, Points.)

2. Get Started with DAOVERSE

a. Register your DAOVERSE account

To get started with DAOVERSE, you need to have an account. You can register a DAOVERSE account with Google, Twitter, or Email: https://community.daolabs.com/accounts/login/.

b. Complete your Onboarding Survey

Once you have an account ready, we suggest you complete your Onboarding Survey. Click the “Get a role Now” button to start your Onboarding application.

You can apply for one of many roles, including Development, Marketing, Business Development, Blockchain Enthusiast, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Social Media Influencer, Content Writer, Content Translator, and Strategic Partner.

Please select the role that fits you the most, ensuring that it is what you are good at the most.

Admins will add you to the most relevant Workgroup based on your selected role in the survey. Please note, you can also change your role in your profile. The Workgroup will determine which types of LABOR allocation you will get.

c. Set up your profile

After completing the Onboarding Survey, you should set up your profile. Correctly set up your profile so admins and other community members can understand you better.

Click the top-right icon to access your profile page, or access it with this link: https://community.daolabs.com/profile/.

You should provide your name, surname, and a short description of yourself in the bio section. Please don’t forget to upload your profile image. A unique Profile picture helps you to stand out on the platform amongst thousands of contributors.

You should also connect your social media accounts to participate in DAOVERSE Social Media programs, such as Twitter Program and Telegram Program.

Remember: To be taken seriously on DAOVERSE, you have to present yourself accordingly. Your social accounts are full of airdrop & dubious shills? “it could damage your reputation” and decrease your chances of success. We consider excluding users from the platform if we feel that the posts are harmful to our community and ecosystem. The advertisement of other products, platforms, or services on our platform leads also to exclusion. This includes also the placement of referral links to exchanges or similar platforms.

3. Start to earn Reputations & Points

There are three ways to earn Reputations & Points on DAOVERSE:

  • Earn from Tasks
  • Earn from Twitter Program
  • Earn from the Community Board

a. Earn from Tasks

You can access Tasks by clicking the “Tasks” button in the main menu of the navigation bar. Check all available Tasks and select the ones you want to engage.

Check each Task’s procedures, requirements, rewards, and tips. Complete Task by submitting the proof of your contribution, ensuring it meets all requirements specified in the Task. Admins will validate your submissions and assign Points & Reputations.

b. Earn from Twitter Program

You can access the Twitter Program by clicking the “Twitter” button in the community menu of the navigation bar. Please note that you need to connect your Twitter account to your profile before accessing the Twitter Program.

Please note, 1) your Twitter must have a minimum of 50 followers to be eligible for rewards in the Twitter Program; 2) your tweet must have a minimum of 15 characters to be picked up by the Twitter Program; 3) your tweet must include at least one of all required hashtags.

Twitter Program is highly automated, assigning rewards based on your tweet’s performance (impressions and engagements). The system usually takes up to 72 hours to pick up your tweets and assign you Points.

c. Earn from the Community Board

You can also make a free-style contribution via the Community Board. You can create and submit whatever content you think is helpful for DAOVERSE growth and DAO Labs expansion to the Community Board. Admins will carefully validate your submission and assign Points or Reputations if they see the content you created is valuable.

You can access the Community Board by clicking the “Community Board” button in the main menu of the navigation bar.

d. Other ways to earn: Translation Program.

Participating in the Translation Program also allows you to gain Points & Reputations. It is suitable for users who select the Translator Role.

4. What should I do with Points & Reputations earned?

a. BUSD Workdrop

DAO Labs has funded a pool of 25,000 BUSD to reward DAOVERSE users who earned Points. A user must accumulate a minimum of 100 Redeemable Points to be eligible for BUSD rewards.

b. LABOR Allocation

LABOR token is the utility token of DAO Labs. We will distribute 1,000,000 USD worth of LABOR via Initial Labor Offering(ILO) to DAOVERSE users who have accumulated Reputations during the pre-TGE period.

The exchange rate between LABOR and Reputations and the ILO snapshot date of Reputations are yet to be determined. Please stay tuned.

Thank you for reading DAOVERSE Beginner’s Guide.

Please ask questions in our community channels.

🇬🇧 International Community (EN): https://t.me/DaoLabs

🇨🇳 Chinese Community (CN):https://t.me/DaoLabs_CN

